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           Lance is was the joker, pun maker, and goof ball of the group. He liked to jokingly flirt with Allura. He liked to make a pun in difficult times to hopefully brighten the mood but, mostly everything he does or says earns a groan from the team. Only hunk laughs half the time. It's been 6 months since they have left earth and the whole team is used to Lance and his 'Goofy' behavior. They have been getting more and more annoyed with him. Lance didn't mean to annoy anyone, he just wanted everyone happy.
        Today Allura was in a bad mood, well sad. Lance went to the control room to see her and hopefully cheer her up. He opened his mouth and with a serious/ sympathetic voice, "Hey, Allura I just wante-" "Lance, I am not in the mood for your goofy and childish behavior."
"Princess, no I-"
"Go somewhere else."
Lance looked at Allura before turning around and leaving.
        Lance was in his room, he starred out the large glass window and out at the stars. Why... do they really think I'm that bad?. Thoughts like that ran through his head all night until he figured out a solution. He could just lock away the lance every one hates and we can become the lance they want. He would train more. Joke no more. Stop his 'childish' actions.

       And that's what he did.

      At the dinning table he sat quietly. The only thing that came out of his mouth was a 'Good morning'. He ate quickly and quietly. When he was done, he got up, washed his dishes and walked away. Before he could leave, he heard 'What's wrong with him' 'At least he finally learned how to shut up' and 'I can finally hear myself think.'. That was enough the make lance think that they like the new him.
       Durning training sessions he started working harder and more efficient. When getting yelled at by Allura or the team he would stand there and listen. It was hard not to cry and let all his emotions out but, no one had time for that.

      After a few weeks, Lance had gotten to the sharp shooter level. He shot with perfect efficiency and he became one of the best on the team. He was also better than Keith but he still followed him. Shiro disappeared for a while and lance had to get adjusted to The red lion. Red felt how he locked himself up, locked everything away. He got praised from the team because he was so good. Soon Shiro came back and he was left with blue again. No attention was given to him.

     He started to reply to everyone with a 'Yes sir' 'Yes ma'am'. That's started to worry everyone. What happened to their happy go lucky lance who always cheered them up. Sure it was annoying at times but.. now he has gone silent.
      The team soon relived that they were why he changed, that they were the reason lance won't make jokes or puns. They all realized it was them who made lance feel to lock himself up.
       They decided that they need to fix their mistakes and bring back the lance they once knew. They told jokes, they made puns, but Lance only responded with a 'Its no the time to be goofing around' or 'You all need to get serious'.
        Allura got lance to do a beauty day with her. She got lance to play with her hair and they did stuff that the old lance would die to do. He showed no emotion.
       Coran talked about the stars and planets. He told tales of altea. Lance showed nothing. Lance had lost that spark of energy and happiness in his eyes.
       Hunk invited Lance to cook cookies with him. Hunk also got to make Lances favorite food with him. Lance showed no change.
       Keith yelled at him for not being himself. He yelled at Lance for changing. Lance could only stare.
       Pidge made gadgets to play music and just to be funny with. Lance didn't budge.
        Finally, shiro sat with Lance and talked to him. He talked about beaches and anything lance loves. Shiro made dad jokes to. Lance didn't chance.

     Lance couldn't change. He didn't know who he was supposed to be. He just stayed like he was. Even if the castle fell silent.

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