Blue Lips

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(Btw this is really short sorry in advance)

Lance stood there before Blue. Shiro was back, he could pilot Black right? He could be the leader again! Keith could go back to Red and Lance could go back to Blue right?

The Blue lion's particle barrier was still up as Lance approached. The paladin look up at his old lion with excitement, "Blue! I can finally pilot you again!" He cried in excitement. He couldn't feel Blue looking at him. Strange. Lance shot Blue a worried look, "Hey Blue, why are you not opening up? It's me, Lancey Lance!"

The lion just sat there like Lance was some random person talking to a lifeless ship. Lance knocked on Blues particle barrier. "Knock... knock?" he sighed as he looked back up to Blue with pain in his eyes. Why wasn't she opening up to him? Is she mad at him for piloting Red? "Look Blue, I'm sorry for piloting Red but, I had to for the team. Just open up we can talk through this right?" the former Blue paladin said with sadness. He hung his head down and slid to his knees. Tears were forming. "Look, I know I piloted Red, I wanted to pilot Black but, I-", and tears were falling down his face. "-I'm sorry." he choked out. The paladin finally accepted his fate and he walked away knowing that now, he was just a poor boy from Cuba trying to do the right thing.

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