Plush Pals

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-lance can sew really well. he makes stuffies for himself, animals and mythical creatures he knows that his family loved. someone starts teasing him about being a child, and as a 'prank', they hide them somewhere where lance can't find them. of course, lance starts panicking and raging and ends up trying to punch something/someone.
(Credit to genderfluid-alien via tumblr)

"Aaannndd done!", Lance said as he grabbed his pair of scissors and snipping at the black thread. Allura let Lance use a sewing kit that she had. Lance now set down a random monster that he had sewn. The fur short and soft. The eyes X's from the black thread. The stitches were perfect for being hand sewn. Lance let his gave drift to the shelf covered in random monsters and creatures. To him, the creatures were a special part of his family. The mythical tales his mama would tell him and his siblings before bed, the picture she had shown them, and she taught them how to sew. Lance had been able to see since he was 6. He made stuffed animals and creatures for his siblings and mother. He smiled softly as he put down the creature he had just made. "Don't worry mama, I won't forget.."
Soon after he was looking at each creature, remembering its story. He heard a snort and a scoff. "God you are such a baby. Why do you even make stuffed animals that's like something a 5 would enjoy.". Keith. Lance turned his head to glare at the mullet head. "Shut up mullet. At least I am not addicted to knives." Lance shot back. Lance hated when the team made fun of him for sewing. Hunk, Coran, and Allura enjoyed his creations. Shiro didn't really say anything. Keith and Pidge were the ones who made fun of him.
Keith walked out of the room, rolling his eyes. "Whatever", he stayed when he left the view. Lance sighed and flopped on his bed. He was exhausted. He closed his eyes and thought of his family and how he would give all the plushies to his mother.
Lance woke up and yawned. He moved his covers and sat on the ledge of the bed. He turned around to admire his creations to see them all gone. Lance paled as he quickly got dressed. He looked around his room in panic. "Oh god where are they..." he whispered to himself in a panic. Tears were forming in his eyes. He couldn't loose them! They were a give for his mother!
The Blue Paladin sprinted out of his room, already sweating from stress. "GUYS!!", He screeched. He was about to cry and he was already pissed. "Can you shut your trap in trying to wake up", Pidge grumbled. "NO!!" He screamed again. He was more mad than Keith could ever be. "WHERE THE HELL ARE MY STUFFED ANIMALS?", His yelled so loud they could probably wake up the nearest alien planet. Keith snorted and look up at the enraged blue Paladin. "They poofed away and your Childness should to." Keith stated calmly. Lance glared at him so hard the others were pretty sure Keith would burn. "What the F-quiznack-K ARE YOU LAUGHING AT YOU COÑO", Lance screamed at him. Hunks eyes widened as he walked into the room, "What is going on?", He said with a concerned voice, turning to lance. "mis animales de peluche se han ido y no tengo ni idea de a dónde mierda están!!", Lance yelled at Hunk. Hunk knew that Lance would only yell in spanish when he was either pissed or extremely upset. "Woah woah calma hacia abajo lanza, lo que está mal?", Hunk asked calmly. Lance looked at him tears threatening to fall. "¡No puedo encontrarlos!", Lance replied. Hunk looked around. Everyone but Keith had a worried look. Keith look at hunk with a small smirk. Hunk walked towards Keith with a serious look. "Keith can we talk please?", Hunk asked. He didn't wait for a response, he just grabbed Keith's arm and walked around the corner. "Keith did you do something to Lance?", Hunk asked the shorter boy in a whisper. Keith shrugged, "I only pranked Lance by hiding his child's toys, Pidge helped m-", Keith got interrupted by a quite disappointed Hunk, "You did what?!", Hunk whispered loudly. "You have no idea what kind of pain you are causing him! Would you want the only thing that reminded you of your family taken away?!", Hunk grumbled out. The yellow paladin brought the red paladin back into the room. Lance glaring at both. "Lance, tanto Keith y Pidge sólo estaban tirando una broma en que no sabían que los animales de peluche eran tan importantes..", Hunk said to Lance. Resting a hand on Lance's shoulder to hopefully calm him down. That didn't work.

While Lance and Hunk were talking, the rest were confused. what were they saying? Pidge pulled up a translater tool. She saw that Lance called Keith a cunt, she snorted at that. Her head shot up when Lance started to yell again, "They did WHAT!?", Lances head whipped around to Pidge and Keith. He walked up to Keith and looked at him for a second. The next second Lance swung a lighting fast fist across Keiths face. "Haw dare you!!", he yelled. Everyone get up from where they were sitting in a flash, chairs falling to the floor. "Lance! What the heck?!", Pidge screeched. "You shut up grimlin! You are just as guilty!", He spat at the younger paladin. Keith was on the floor and he shakily got up. Lance looked at him, about the throw another rock hard punch. Hunk rushed and grabbed him. "Lance calm down, they didn't know!", Hunk said to the Cuban boy. "Cause they never cared to know! Pidge and Keith were the only ones making fun of me!", Lance whipped his head to Pidge, "I wonder how you would fucking feel if I took away the only things that keep you connected to your family.", He spat. He jerked out of Hunks grip and walked away. Hot tears were running down his face. Lance trapped himself in his 'room'. He always hated calling it his room. It was nothing like home and he hated it.

Back to the rest, Shiro went to Keith and helped him up. there was a now blue and black bruise covering his eye and some cheek. "Hunk, explain.", Shiro commanded. Hunk looked around the room, everyone having a concerned look. "Well, the stuffed animals Lance makes, they were creatures his mother would tell him and his siblings about. She would tell him stories about them, show them all pictures of the creatures and they would make stuffed animals. Lance was around 6 when he started to sew. He made the stuffed animals for his mother and his siblings. He was so connected to those creatures and the creatures connected him to home. And to be honest, he is so used to always having people around to help him, appreciate him, its getting harder everyday for him to be here.", Hunk explained. Everyone was shocked. Pidge had a guilty look on her face but Keith, Keith was angry about getting punched. "Well he needs to suck it up, we are in space and doing something more important than going home. He is just being childish!", Keith spat out. Hunk looked at him wide eyed. "Where did you put them.", Hunk said flatly. Keith shrugged. Hunks face flushed red with anger. Hunk only gets angry if its for protecting someone he cares about. Pidge saw this and knew shit was about to go down. Before anything happened, Pidge blurted out, "In the Left top shelf in the kitchen.". Hunk looked at her with a thankful look. The yellow paladin hurried to the kitchen as he left the team to deal with their new information about Lance and what Keith said. "Keith why the fuck would you say that?!", Pidge yelled at him. "Just because you are our 'leader' does not give you the right to say that! God, I should have never agreed to do this in the first place.". "So that gives Lance to have the right to punch me?!", Keith yelled back. "You deserved it!!", Pidge screeched back. "Oh wait, You wouldn't know how he feels because you have no fucking family! All you have is a dad and some mystery mom! You don't know what a family is so you need to back off!", Pidge said without a hint of regret in her voice. She stormed off and left the team to deal with Keith. "Keith, she didn-", Shiro was interrupted by Keith, "Yea she did. And I don't care, families are useless to think about when we are doing something way more important than them". The words took Shiro, Allura, and Coran by surprise. Shiro looked in disbelief at Keith. "You will be apologizing to Lance tomorrow. Not if ands or buts.", Shiro said in his leader voice. Allura and Coran left a while ago after what Keith said.

Lance was beyond hurt from Keiths words. His head snapped up to see Hunk holding some of his stuffed animals, Pidge holding the rest. Pidge had a guilt filled look on her face and she had tears in her eyes. Hunk walked in with Pidge and gave Lance his creations. The blue paladin shakily grabbed for on specific one, it looked like a dragon but way more elegant. It was white with purple designs. There was a mane with a metallic look to it. "This one was mamas favorite, Hunk..", Lance choked out as he looked to the ground. "Lance i'm so sorry. Ill do whatever you want for me to make it up.", Pidge looked at Lance. The Cuban got up and embraced the smaller paladin in a hug. He didn't say anything he just hugged her. Hunk joined the hug. They all just embraced each other.

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