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Hey! So I'm getting a little uncreative so, if you have any prompts/ ideas of a langst one shot please comment your ideas!!
Also, please no shipping. I don't want to start any wars on this book. I'll make a ship book later on.

Today really wasn't his day.

Haggar had a cackling laugh as she had a dark orb of magic in her hands. The orb was black with purple and blue dancing around it like a Galaxy. There was some sparks that came off of it and it was both terrifying yet beautiful to look at. It could almost make you want to touch it and hold it. Lance was staring at the orb, shield up ready to block it but the old witch wasn't aiming at him.

She was aiming at the rest of the team.

Everything was in slow motion for lance when that orb spit out that black, purple and blue galaxy spark. It was like lightning, quick, bright. It wasn't slow for lance though. He got up and ran in the way, if only he was fast enough to think about himself and bring up his shield. There was a loud crackle and boom at it hit the Blue Paladin in the lower abdomen. Everything was normal as the team rushed to him as fast as possible. "LANCE!!", they all screamed at the same time. Alluras cries were heard from the com link, demanding for information on what happened. It was too fast for anyone to comprehend how Lance ended up in this situation.
Lances breathing was slow as he cracked open his eyes to see a trying-to-be-calm Shiro. Pidge was yelling into the com link to get Allura over here soon. Hunk was tending to the injured Paladins wound. Keith was just staring. He was so confused. Why would Lance do that and not think about himself one bit?
Looking at Lances wound, it was almost he same color as the orb. It was a dark purple with blue around it. There was a rim of red around it from the skin getting irritated. The odd thing was that, it wasn't bleeding. No blood, only some ripped tissue.
"When will he be coming out?", Hunk asked again, it as been 3 earth weeks since Lance was put in the pod. "Actually right in a few ticks!", Coran stated proudly. He twirled his orange mustache. The team still had worried looks on their faces. They isolated themselves till they could have ALL of voltron. Just as Coran said, the pod opened a few ticks later. There was a cool steam of air and a cloud that came out from under the pods opening. Lance was in the pod suit, he looked so peaceful. Some thoughts went around they they should let him sleep. That's when Pidge noticed the giant holy in the cryo-suit. "What was that magic...", she whispered. Her thoughts got interrupted when they heard a loud scream then it stoped. There stood a wide eyed Lance. He stared at the team in horror.
      "Lance?", Shiro asked calmly. "Who are you? Where did you come from? Where am I? Who am I?", Lance said in a panic, his words were almost impossible to understand he was talking so insanely fast. The team look at him with confusion. "Lance, what are you talking about? We are your team.", Hunk blurted out. The yellow paladins eyebrows creased. "Wh-What are you talking about? I have no idea who you guys are. I have no idea what is wrong. I have no idea who I am.", again, Lance was talking way to fast. "Ok ok first, we are not going to hurt you, second, calm down and talk slower. We can barely understand you.", Keith said quite loudly. Lance winced a bit and had a sheepish smile. "Sorry..", Lance responded. The Rest of the team look at him before they get interrupted by the alarms blaring and and red lights flashing. Lance scream a bit, "What was that?!?", he yelled. Allura ran into the room. "Paladins!!! Zarkon he-", the ship got knocked to the side a bit, "He is attacking!", Allura yelled and she was off. "Guys, we need to get lance to get to blue, it's not like him forgetting will change the bond!", Shiro stated.
      They soon got lance ready and him to blue. The Blue lion bent down to him.
     My paladin, you must get into me. I know you are scared. You will be fine.
      Lances eyes widened and he did as the voice said. "Oh god I'm going insane....", he mumbled to himself.  There was a purr of comfort in the back of his head. The Blue Paladin thrusted the throttles and blues thrusters started and there was a hum from the starting engine. The lion flew off into battle. Lance heard screams and yells through the coms and he looked around at his surroundings. His eyes widened when he say flashed of light, other planets, and galaxies. He got lost in the galaxies till there was a harsh beam coming straight towards him. A bead of sweat rolled down his face. He had no idea what was going on. The beam hit him and the lion and it was a loud boom then everything went dark. Who knew that the Lance who had no mask, the Lance who was like a child, the Lance that had no idea were he was, what was going on, would go out so quick.


     There was a sharp jerk when Lance woke up. Where was he again? He looked around weakly and almost burst into sobs. He wanted to be with his family. He didn't want to be here. That's when all of his memories came rushing back. His memories about the other paladins, about saving the universe, but what him him hardest was the knowledge that he would never be able to go back home. He would never be able to go back to Cuba. He would die in space where he would be alone without the comfort of his family. That's what hit him the hardest. Harder then that Ion cannon beam. Harder than getting punched by Shiro during training. Harder than anything.

     Harder that that pretty ball of death that witch casted on him.

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