The help

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There's an important note at the end. Please take the time to read it. Thank you and enjoy the new chapter! :)

I've been here about a week. Craig's visited me three times after the day we met.

I've learned a lot about him. In all honesty I was shocked to even have him check to see if I was ok let alone visit me after that.

He's the little bit of entertainment I have in this small fucking room. God I just wish I had someone to 'watch after me' as the doctor said. I really don't need it.

Even though I'm hospitalized a lot I've never liked hospitals. It's not necessarily a fear, I'm not sure how to explain it. It makes me uncomfortable to be here. I guess hospitals have always reminded me of death. (This is true about me)

I've never had a good experience or very fond memories of hospitals, But honestly who has?

Chief is still a little pissed at me, I don't blame him though. He should be used to my reckless behavior though. I'm the kind of person that will take a bullet for a stranger, and I have many many times.

Suddenly I hear a knock on my hospital door and it snaps my back to reality. (Snap back to reality oh there goes gravity, sorry not sorry) To my surprise it's Craig. (Omg Craig just auto corrected to crash :0)

Every time I see him a big smile always appears on my face. He's just a great person to be around, he's a really energetic person too.

"Hi." He says as me shuts the door and sits down next to my bed.

I respond with a hello and he smiles.

"How are you feeling?" He asks

"I'm feeling fine, I'm just sick and tired of this damn hospital room." I say with I sigh of annoyance.

He looks at me, he seems to be deep in thought.

"So..." he says as he looks down fiddling with his fingers.

"Yes?" I say as he sighs. "Everything ok?" I ask curiously.

He looks up. "Oh everything's fine, it's just...I was wondering..." he pauses and continues to fidget with his fingers.

"Don't be hesitant on asking me anything, the last thing I would do is judge you. There are no stupid questions." Those words seem to make him less tense.

" this might be a long shot but I was wondering...if...well you seem to be sick of the hospital...and well you don't have anyone to take care of you...and I know we just met but..." he stops again and sighs.

"Would it be ok if you stayed with me until you're better?" He finally asks the question he's been meaning to ask.

Then he quickly adds. "Not in a creepy 'come to my house child and I'll take care of you way' in like a friendly concerning way." He says scratching the back of his neck nervously laughing.

Just seeing him struggle to ask such a simple question is hilarious to me.

It's sweet to see how much he cares about me.

I laugh at his nervousness and it seems to make him less tense.

"I think I'll take you up on that offer." I say with a smile.

"You have such a big heart you know." I say with a small smile.

"There needs to be more people like you in this world." He looks at me and smiles.

"I'm glad you took my offer, I'm not fond of hospitals either." He says as his smile grows.

He stands up heading to the door. "I'm going to talk with your doctor." He reaches for the door handle and opens the door. Before leaving he pauses and turns back around, looking at me.

"You have a big heart too ya know, there should definitely be more people like you." With that he smiles and walks out the door.

Those words make my stomach feel like it's filled with butterflies.

Why am I feeling like this? People tell me how brave and strong I am and I always thank them out of politeness but they've never caused this reaction before. Weird.


I am so sorry for such the long wait. My life is quite chaotic at the moment.

So as some of you may have noticed that my name has changed.

So I am transgender. In my case I was born a girl and I want to be a boy.

I will continue to wright stories. My writing style won't change, I'm not planning to stop writing of  anything I just thought you guys should know what's going on.

Thank you so much for the amazing support on the story so far! You have no idea how much I appreciate it! :)

Also holly shit 2k reads!! Over 100 votes too! You guys are insane! This is mind blowing to me. I can't thank you guys enough!!

-James <3

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