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A/N I would like to thank Pixel_Cookie for giving me the idea for this story since I had writer's block. Thanks dude *salutes*


Walking down the stairs after a nice lay in, I jump when I see Hart asleep with Carrie on her neck. They are both snuggled under the fluffy blanket asleep together. We have to get Jordan round soon so he can meet both Hart and Carrie. Smiling, I wander through to the kitchen where Adam and Dawn are holding hands and chatting with Jason and Ian at the table watching the news.

'Morning Guys!' I greet them.

'Hey' they all reply back to me.

'Ty and Merome not awake yet?' I ask,

'Nah, G. They are having a looong lay in.' Ian smiled, dragging out the 'long'.

'Hart still asleep?' Dawn asks me.

'Yeah. Her and Carrie are fast asleep.' I say as I get some cereal and begin to eat.

Then, we hear the faint Meow's of Carrie and some yawns of Hart. A moment later, Hart walked into the kitchen with the little dazed ball of puff that was her kitten. Carrie was sat cradled in Hart's arms.

'Hey guys.' Hart says in a sleepy tone.

'Morning Hart. Want a tea?' Adam ask.

'Could I have a H instead?' She jokes and we laugh. 'But yes please. Tea would be nice.'

Hart sits next to me on the table with Carrie in her lap.

'Hart, you have to put Carrie down when you are eating. She can live without being attached to you for fifteen minutes.' Dawn smiles.

'Here. Let me take her.' I offer.

'Thanks Mudkip.' Hart smiles at me.

I take the kitten who Meow's in disapproval at me picking her up and place her in her little cushion on the floor and place down some kitten food for her. Carrie sniffs it before eating. Hart gets some cereal and we all eat together whilst we wait for the other three to get up.

'How lazy are they?' Adam sighs as he sips his coffee.

'Says you. You are normally the last one up!' Jason says.

'But we have a daughter to take care of now.' Adam says, ruffling Hart's hair.

'Who's alseep still?' Hart asks Jason.

'Ty, Jerome and Mitch.' He answers her.

'Huh.' Hart replies. 'Tylox, Big Bacca and Big Benja sleep in for ages.' She sighs.

'You should see Adam. He lays in until the late afternoon if you let him.' Dawn says and makes Hart laugh.

'Hey. We have a daughter to look after now.' Adam joins Dawn next to Hart.

'I'm not that big of a trouble maker. Besides, I got Mudkippy, Big Dood and Space-Bro to look after meh!' Hart said.

We laughed and stopped when we heard the high pitched meows of Carrie. Hart put down her tea and stood up, walking over to Carrie.

'Hello Carrie.' She said to her and she was quiet.

Hart placed down both of her hands as a platform to the kitten who happily clambered up. Hart stood up again, with the puffball of the kitten in her cupped hands, and walked over to Ian and Jason. We played with her and chatted about random things until the others finally woke up.

-#ty'slefttoxictimeskip to later on, around 12:30pm-


I was sat in the living room on my own. Merome and Ian were up on the second floor with Hart doing God knows what and the others were recording or editing something they just recorded. I don't know really. I was flicking through channels to see if anything was on that was half-way decent.

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