Minecraft: Log On, Cares Off

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-Day after beach trip-

I woke up, finding it was mid morning and that i was in my bed. I was still sleepy but couldn't go back to sleep. So instead I lay back down on my pillow and sighed. Sitting up, I look down at my legs and grow concerned. Quite frankly I was scared. I didn't want the pain to be there, I don't want my syndrome to start yet. Not until I am ready.

I take a deep breath in and exhale moving my legs slowly and carefully. Small aches from running around so much, nothing more. I sighed happily.

'Hart Aceti-Huges, you have to stop worrying.' I tell myself

I stand up, only to sit down again. I cannot be bothered to move. I plant my head back down on the pillow and let out a long sigh.

Yesterday was so fun! We ended home really late but it was so fun. I buried Daddy Benja, we played Sandcastle Bowling, volleyball, went swimming and I found a crab in a rock pool. It pinched me and I decided to watch it go back into the sea from the beach. I am wiped out, too tired to sleep and too lazy to move. I simply sat on my bed, staring at the ceiling. Rolling onto my side, I shut my eyes again, hoping to catch another half an hours worth of sleep.

But of course, that would be too easy. I opened one eye to find Jason walking into my bedroom. I sat up, yawned and looked at him tired.

'Jerome wanted to know if you were up.' Jason explained.

'That's fine. I was just getting up.' I smile.

'Just as so. It's 10:30.' He chuckled.

'Great. More time to sleep.' I lay back down again, burying myself in the same covers.

'Hart, they want you up now.' Jason said and left with a grin on his face.

I swear getting up is one of the worst things you can do... I say to myself and get changed.

Once ready, I take the elevator downstairs and see Jerome with Adam at the island. I sit next to Adam and rest my head on his arm.

'You feeling alright Hart?' Adam asked.

'Tired...' I mumbled.

Jerome laughed. 'You take after Adam all too well.' He smiled at me.

He turned around with a bacon sandwich. I smiled and slowly ate it, talking to Jerome and Adam as we finished off breakfast. Looks like I wasn't the only one having a late start.

'By the way, sorry to have removed you from Ian's grasp. I thought you would sleep better in your bed.' Adam whispered to me.

'Thanks Sky-Sky.' I whisper back.

Mitch plodded into the kitchen, still looking tired. 'So...sleepy.' He said and I laugh quietly.

'Hey Adam?' I ask and he looks at me.

'Yeah?' He asks.

'Can I try out Minecraft please?' I wonder and Adam smiles.

'Course! Let's get you an account.' He said as he stood up, walking over to his computer and logged on.

I joined him, sitting in a black chair that spins. He sorts everything out and asks me what my username would be.

'Oh! HartOfDarkness!' I clap, happy  with my  choice.

I think of a password and we finish it off. Adam helps me to design a skin. Brown hair like Adam's character's, electric blue eyes, black shirt, with a pair of blue Enderman eyes, black trousers with a blue chain and black trainers. Perfect. He uploads the skin, opens up minecraft, logs in as me and I click create new world.

I was so excited. For the first time I was seeing Minecraft, the blocky world I have listened to so many times before. As the world loads, I smile. It is nothing like what I thought, but it was a lot better. I learnt to controls easily, grasping the concept of what I had to do.

hours passed as I played Minecraft. Different builds, different mini games, so much fun! 10/10 would try again!

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