Trying to be Positive

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-A week and a half later-


Whilst the news to the family was devastating, Hart was determined to remain happy for however long she had left. She was taught by the hospital and her family and friends. She knew letters, could read simple words, colors and other vital things. Whilst she still had a lot to learn, Hart made good progress. She was dismissed from the hospital on Friday so she could go back home for the weekend, but before she visited the house and got used to everything. Everybody was down about the news she would never live a full life, but they stayed happy in themselves. They weren't going to let that stop them. Mitch, Jerome and their daughter became closer and Hart's relationship with Ian strengthened. But everybody together grew closer, closer than they ever have been before.


It's great that we are back at home again. Finally Hart can be away from the noise and ruckus at the hospital and back at the comforts of home. I was sat on the couch with Mitch and we were watching a random movie that was on. From the corner of my eye, I saw Jason and Quentin talking and Adam playing with Carrie. Then, I saw Hart's figure in the doorway.

'Jerome?' She said shyly.

'Yeah?' I sit forward.

'Can we list- I mean watch a movie?' She asked.

'Sure! What do you fancy?'

'The Hunger Games.' She responds with a small smile on her face.

'Sure!' Mitch said and he put it on.

Hart was nestled in between me and my boyfriend, her eyes wide and taking in the film. She jumped occasionally at loud noises and flinched at the sight of blood and other gruesome things. When the film ended, Hart smiled.

'That was really great! I prefer the book but I still loved the film.' Hart said happily.

'Same here Bacca.' I smile.

'But Olga, you can't even read!' Adam shouted as he walked in the room.

'Rude...' I scoff and Hart laughs.

She sunk down to the floor and a tingle of a bell sounded, accompanied by the fluffy kitten.

'Carrie! Come here Fluffy-Carrie!' Hart calls her and she plops herself on Hart's lap.

As I watched some random shows on the TV, Hart played with Carrie by dragging a snake toy along the floor and Carrie leaping after it. Despite appearing fine, I am so scared, both for everyone and for Hart. She is young and won't live that long. I cannot imagine how scared she is right now. But she is brave. You look at her and think she is a girl who loves songs, games and her family and friends and boyfriend when actually behind that is a girl who is trying to put on a brave face, knowing what she knows.


I was in my bed, staring up at the ceiling. God it feels so amazing to see. I love it. Things I have imagined are beautiful. My family, my friends, my boyfriend, amazing. Since I was diagnosed, I have been trying to forget, trying to pretend like it was fake and I'm perfectly fine. But I'm not and I'm struggling to cope. I don't want to bring everyone down, I want to live life as it was. However, I am scared. I am scared. I don't know how long it will be before I breakdown.

The more I think about it, the more paranoid I become. I know I shouldn't but it's difficult not to. Laying here, I can feel tears welling up in my eyes. The bottom of my vision blurs and I blink, allowing the first tears to stain my face. Sitting up, I pull my knees up to my chest and cry into them.

'Hart, calm down. It's going to be alright.' I whisper to myself.

As the tears fall, I sniff and sigh. Looking to my right, I see a clock with numbers on it. I tilt my head and rest it on my knees.

'Everything is gonna be alright Hart...just wait and see...'

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