A/N Big time!!!

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Firstly, I want to thank 7Panda7 for letting me continue this amazing story, and all those people who are willing to give my continued version a chance :D

Secondly, I realise people will be upset because, 1: I'm not 7Panda7

2: I'm not 7Panda7...

Thirdly, I want you all to know I will do my best to live up to Panda's legendary work, even though I know I wont. Honestly, how does she write so well?!?!?

Fourthly (is there such a thing as fourthly?), I really hope you guys like what I have in store for MHSH, because I love this story, and the idea of it so much, I've literally already done the plan for it and everything (ish... still working out the kinks)

Fifthly (really? are there such things?), I want to warn you in advance. I am one of thee most UNRELIABLE updaters ever. I'm really sorry for that, but I hope you amazing people will have patients with me, and not stick me with yo pitch forks if you dislike it. 

Thank you all, especially Panda, who gave me permission to carry this on, for giving this a chance, I appologise profoundly if this sucks poo.

ON TO THE FIRST CHAPPY!!! (aka chapter 12. it will be under 12, kk?)

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