The Doors to Hell

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One week later.

The Doors to Hell were as dark and gloomy as the name suggests. The actual doors were black and had five chains, criss-crossing across the door about three inches thick. There were two giants- actual Giants -guarding the doors. Akira swallowed hard at the sight and sickening feeling of nervousness as she approached.

Beside and behind Akira was Ace, Luffy, the Strawhats, and three late comers. Killer was along with them, flanking him was Heat, and Wire, three members of Kid's crew. The rest of the crew had all left, joining other crews out of desperation for protection.

The only sound, was the heavy breathing of the giants, and the footsteps of Akira and co. The giants didn't even look at the group.

"I take it's your the group that Doflamingo-san is letting into Hell to fetch the red head back?" Akira, who was staring at both the high doors and the giants, looked down and realised the giants weren't alone. There was a man, about twenty or so years old, leaning against the doors. He had scruffy black hair and sharp blue eyes.

"Yup!" Luffy exclaimed grinning. The man's eyes darted to Luffy before going back to Akira and locking onto her. His eyes were calculating as he looked her up and down. Akira didn't shift under her gaze, felling that if she did, she'd fail a test. The man finally looked back into her eyes and pushed off the walls.

"Let them in," he said, casually, and the two giants moved aside, and opened the doors. Akira's breath caught as she looked in and saw only darkness. The others looked at her expectantly.

"No turning back," Akira said quietly. "Once we go in, we can't come out again for two weeks."

They nodded and together walked to the door. The darkness held a slight chill that set goosebumps all over Akira's arms.

"Oh yeah," behind them, the man spoke. The group stopped just inside the door. Akira turned and saw his shining blue eyes, through the darkness.

"You seem like interesting people, so I'll give you a piece of advise. Don't open any doors. You friend was smart enough not to. Go straight and you'll enter Hell. Good luck," he said with a smirk.

Akira was about to ask why not go through the doors, but the doors closed, leaving the, standing in darkness. "Ace?"

"Yup?" Akira could feel his breath against her ear.

"Can you give us some light?" She asked ignoring the nerves in her stomach and the strange racing of her heat.

"Gotcha," a small ball of orange light exploded in his hand and light up the area. Dark metal walls reflected the light. All the way down the halls were doors, all of different sizes. All had chains on them.

"Alright, let's go," Akira said carefully and everyone nodded as they walked.


After what felt like an hour of walking and passing doors, some of which rattled and screamed at the group, Akira noticed, far away, a small light at the end of the hall. "Hey, guys, I think I see something."

A little later the light became brighter and Ace was able to put his fire out. The light came from a wide exit to the corridor, no doors were there. They stepped into the light and Akira heard gasps from the group, but she was unable to even make the slightest of sounds. Before her was the biggest city she'd ever seen. It set up like a patchwork quilt, random patches of forestry, grass, small buildings and big ones all over the place. Below them were four stair ways, all twisting apart and spreading away from each other.

"Wow," Ace said finally. "I've never actually been here, but wow. Bigger then I thought."

"Why are we still standing here, let's get going! Kid could be dead for all we know!" Killer said shoving past them.

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