What has he done now....?

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Kid and Law stood side by side within the most dangerous room of all. The headmasters office. The headmaster, in all his pick, feathery glory, sat on the swivel chair with his feet up on his desk, watching the boys carefully. Kid had a smirk on his face as he stood with his arms crossed. Every now and then he'd reach up and wipe the blood from a wound just above the eyebrow. Law was also smirking, but at least he was trying to hide it. He didn't bother trying to clean up his cuts.

 The headmaster examined the boys one by one before finally saying: “So, you boys have been at each other’s throats for the past years, and you’ve finally gotten into a fight?”

“Yes,” Law replied nonchalant.

“Hmm, Law your record book say’s you’ve only had detention once before – two days ago… And Kid, you’ve had two detentions before – also one two days ago – hmm, rules say three strikes and you’re out, better be careful Kid,” Doflamingo said smirking as he lifted the two folders from his desk. The smirk dropped from Kid’s face as he narrowed his eyes at the headmaster. “So boys, what happened?”


Law had known Kid was following him, but paid him no heed. Whether he knew from the fact Kid had being yelling at him for the past five minutes, or the way the metal lockers lining the halls shook violently didn’t matter. What mattered was he could feel the face off coming, and he needed a place that could benefit him.

Law knew Kid would attack first, out of pure rage and impulsiveness; that was his style. Law just needed a small place where he could keep the ‘Room’ up and Kid couldn’t escape. The possibility of getting caught didn’t bother Law, in fact, it barely crossed his mind.

What Law was thinking about, was fighting, and how his blood boiled silently in excitement for the fight. And how ever since Akira arrived, things had changed. A lot.

A locker flew off its hinges and towards Law. Law ducked and dove into an empty class room. It obviously hadn’t been used in years with the thick layers of dust. There was a certain lacking in metal, that made Law feel somewhat disappointed. If Kid couldn’t fight to his fullest, then what good was it?

“Finally stopped running? Wimp?” Kid’s voice taunted from behind Law. Law turned casually, smirking.

“I wasn’t running, I was finding a nice, quiet place we could destroy,” Law replied evenly.

“Whatever, let’s fight!” Kid replied, ever the tactless one. Kid, rather than taking control of the metals in the room, threw himself at Law, taking him by surprise. Law stumbled back and stole his sword from his scabbard, blocking Kid’s next attack.

It seemed Kid didn’t want to fight with his powers, which Law didn’t mind. It was fun, testing his physical strength against Kid’s. Law’s head jerked back as Kid managed to get a punch through. As Law stumbled back from the hit, he kicked out, and heard a satisfying crunch as his heel connected with Kid’s nose.



“Craaaaap,” Ace groaned as he pulled his phone out of his pocket. Akira looked at him with raised eyebrows.

“What’s up?” She asked, averting her gaze to the skateboards hanging on the wall.

“It’s the headmaster, he needs me for something,” Ace said tucking his phone away.

“If you want, we can hang out tomorrow instead?” Akira asked looking at Ace out of the corner of her eyes.

“Nah, he won’t mind if I’m a little late.”


Ace groaned again and examined his phone, again. He frowned this time as he reread the text.

“Hmm, maybe we should reschedule. Someone’s on trial and I’m needed,” Ace said not taking his eyes from his phone. “Nah, no biggy.”

“Are you sure?” Akira asked turning to him.

“Yeah, um anyway. I wanted to ask you something,” Ace said slipping his hands into his pockets.

“Shoot away,” Akira replied.

“Well, it’s about the, um, homeco-” Ace started.

“ACE! What are you doing standing around!?!” A voice called, interrupting Ace who spun around angrily to face them.

“WHAT?!” He exclaimed and Marco looked at him with shock.

“Dude, chill,” He said raising his hands. “Anyway, some kid’s on trial, we need to head over for the vote.”

“Um, what’s a trail?” Akira piped from behind Ace.

“A trail is when someone had done something bad – like really bad, like put someone in a coma or a coffin bad – but hasn’t reached all three detention marks yet. They’re put on trial to decide whether they stay here, or go over the wall to hell,” Ace explained. “As Discipline Heads, Marco and I have to attend for the vote.”

“Oh, do you know who’s on trial?” Akira asked.

“Eustass Kid,” Marco replied after checking his phone. Akira stiffened. The colour drained from her face.



Kid didn’t need his powers to fight Law. He could finish him easily without them. That’s what he thought as he hammered Law with punches and kicks, ignoring the blood dripping from his nose. He swung his fists, trying to get in between Law’s defences.

Suddenly, Law changed tactics and started to attack back, rather than just blocking. He sliced at Kid, who was blocking the sword with his own arms, and kicked below the belt. Kid didn’t care, he kept swinging.

Kid let his rage envelope him, a white hot rage that controlled his every muscle, blinding him. He couldn’t feel any of the cuts he was receiving. He couldn’t hear anything, so he didn’t notice when Mihawk had come in, yelling at the pair to stop. Neither did stop, not until Mihawk jumped into the fight.


“So that’s what happened?” Doflamingo asked, an eyebrow cocked. “You always let your temper get the best of you, don’t you Kid?”

Kid glared at the clown. How the hell was this idiot the headmaster? “Shut up, it’s none of your business.”

“Oh, but it is, if you’re going to let your idiotic intentions, and stupidity blind you, led you into a fight you can’t win, then, yes, it is my business. This is my school,” Doflamingo said, examining his nails. Rage boiled inside Kid. He didn’t even realise what Doflamingo was doing, but Law did. Law laughed, causing the anger to burn. Kid dove at Doflamingo, his fingers millimetres from his throat.

Then he stopped.

He would’ve proceeded to choke Doflamingo, but he couldn’t move. He was frozen, leaning over the desk.

“Tsk, tsk, tsk,” Doflamingo tutted, flicking his wrist. Kid flew back, standing up straight. “Attacking the headmaster is grounds for transfer.”

Law’s eyes widened in surprise. Even he didn’t expect that, but he hid his surprise quickly. Transfer was an abbreviation. An abbreviation for ‘Transfer to Hell’.


OMG!!! I am soooooo sorry it took me so long to update! I'm also sorry it's so short! PLEASE FORGIVE ME?!?!?!?! I found out - quite sudden and harshly - that writing fight scenes is haaarrrddd. But i better get used to it....

I'm gonna work on Abnormals next then go back to this. Thank you everyone who's giving my other stories a chance, and i hope you like where this is going as well. 




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