Paint Fight

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Kid left the gym feeling furious. Even though his team won the game, he didn’t get what he wanted. He had wanted to make Akira suffer for playing with him like she did. No-one, not even shorties like her gets away with messing with Kid. A snarl materialised on his face as he saw a boy turn onto the same hall Kid was on. Kid instantly recognised him and his arrogant way of walking. The spotted hat on his head was a tell-tale sign, and the long coat that was fluttering around his ankles.

The snarl quickly twisted into a devious smile as he realised Law was alone. This should be easy.


The art class was bustling with people, most of whom I didn’t recognise. I did, though, recognise Luffy, Zoro and Sanji sitting at a table. Of cause Sanji and Zoro were arguing, though I noticed Zoro hadn’t drawn his swords. Yet.

I walked over to them and was about to sit, when suddenly the only empty seat was taken by a ravenette girl. I frowned at her, then shrugged before moving over to an empty seat with a few other kids.

There was a girl with short brown hair that shaped her face nicely and large eyes. She seemed to be smiling at nothing, before noticing me standing behind an empty seat. Her smiled widened (if possible) and she gestured to the seat.

“Please, sit,” She said and I smiled in thanks.

“Thank you, I’m Akira,” I replied sliding into my seat.

“I’m Koala, this is Rebecca and Coby,” She gestured to the pair sitting at the table with us. The girl, Rebecca was a tall, willowy girl with long pink hair, she glanced at me, giving me a small smile before turning back to her conversation with Coby, who also sent a smile my way. Coby also had pink hair, though his was straight and only reached his chin line, held back with a headband and a pair of goggles.

“Nice to meet you,” I replied and we shook hands. I glanced back and saw the ravenette girl practically draping herself over Luffy. He simply pushed her away without a glance. The girl clutched her hands to her chest and started whispering something to a couple of girls at a table near her. “Um, who’s the girl sitting with Luffy?”

“Hmm? Oh, that’s Boa Hancock, she’s had a crush on Luffy ever since he rejected her. Funny thing is, she’s almost as popular with the guys as he is with the girls, except Luffy doesn’t realise,” Koala said, her smile still plastered on her face.

“Yep, but Luffy’s cool,” Coby said directing his attention to me as Rebecca and him finished with whatever topic they had been talking about. “He helped me out of a ruff spot a while ago.”

“Ruff spot doesn’t cover it!” Koala laughed.

“What happened?” I asked, my curiosity getting the better of me.

“Well, I was being forced to work for this ugly hag, Alvida, a senior, but Luffy stood up for me, taught me how to be brave,” Coby said, giving a slight shrug. “Now I’m following my dream like he is.”

“What’s your dream?” I asked with a raised eyebrow.

“I want to become a great police officer, one who will help people with their problems, not like the guy who got me sent here for false pretences,” Coby said fist pumping.

“What do you mean?” I tilted my head.

“Ah well, in my old town, I got in some trouble with some other kids,” Coby said running a hand through his hair. “I was always easily pressured into doing stuff. Anyway, these guys ended up using me as a scape goat and I got arrested. It was either here, or jail. Rough, but… it was the options I got.”

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