The Trial

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As soon as Marco uttered the words, Akira felt weak. Her knees went wobbly and her head felt light. Kid? In hell? He was one of her best friends, she didn't want him in hell, it didn't seem right. Akira had felt somewhat lonelier since Kid started ignoring her. Sure she had Luffy, Ace and Law, and they were loud enough, but it wasn't quite right without Kid. It's like he completed them.

Akira realised Ace was leaning closer to her his hand on her shoulders. Concern filled his eyes as he watched her. "You alright?" He asked, his voice slightly distorted.

Akira nodded. "Yeah, I'm fine. Is there anyway to stop him from being sent there? And what did he do?"

"It's up to the jury, which is a group of senior students and teachers, who most of all have something against Eustass. As for what he did, I wouldn't know. But you can come and watch, we'll vouch for you," Marco explained. Akira nodded in gratitude.

"Lead the way," She said and she and the boys ran off.


The court room was simply a rearranged classroom. The teachers desk had been pushed mercilessly to the front and was flanked by two students desks. The rest of the desks stood guard, separating the four rows of eight chairs from the front desks. Another set of nine chairs, in three rows of three, rested to the right hand side of the classroom, for the jury. Crouching on the arm chair behind the teachers desk was Doflamingo.

Students filed into the class - court - room. Kid's crew took the left hand side. On the right, Law, Bepo and Penguin sat in the back row. Akira sat next to Luffy in the front row, and on his other side was Sanji and Zoro. In the row behind, Nami sat glaring at Akira beside Robin and Usopp.

The front door slide open, and the jury slide in, consisting of Boa Hancock, a girl named Baby-5, Mihawk and Jora and some others Akira didn't know. Her stomach twisted in anticipation, waiting for Kid to arrive. Finally, the door flew open again, and Kid was escorted in by four. Ace and Marco stood in front of him, their faces deadpan, and behind him stood two giants of men.

The first, who stood to Kid's right had black hair and darks skin. His beard was split into a few bundles, and he was so big, his muscles had muscles. Akira was pretty sure his name was Jozu, and he was a well known member of the Newgate Discipline Enforcers, shortened to the Newgates. On Jozu's left was Vista, a large swordsman with a macho moustache, and a low-cut v-neck shirt.

The four led Kid in, and sat him down at the desk on Doflamingo's right. Akira sat up straight, trying to catch Kid's eye, but he seemed to be avoiding looking at her.

"Kid, you have been accused of attacking the headmaster. Do you have anything to say in your defence?" Baby-5 asked standing up. Kid opened his mouth to reply, but she cut him off before he could get a word out. "No, then the jury will decide your fate."

Everyone except the jury and Doflamingo, and Law of cause, sweat dropped. The heck!?!? That wasn't a trial! Akira thought almost standing up. The jury turned to face each other and you could hear a little mumbling.

"The jury has decided," Baby-5 said and the jury returned to their seats and facing Kid. "You have been sentenced to hell."

There was an uproar. Law was laughing, Killer was trying to get over the barrier to get to the jury while Heat and Wire, Luffy was yelling and standing up waving his arms around willy-nilly.

Akira stood up, leaning on the desks.


Akira POV.

I had to do something! Kid couldn't go to Hell, I couldn't let him. And so, the words flew from my mouth, as I leaned on he desks.

"NO! Let me take his place!!!" I yelled, my voice somehow blurring out the voices of the others. Silence fell on the room and all eyes landed on me. I repeated it, no more then a whisper, but yet, my voice was full of authority. "Let me take his place."

Suddenly Doflamingo burst out laughing.

"Impossible," he snorted and I glared.

"Why not?" I asked, but he ignored me.

"Take him away," Doflamingo said to the Newgates. Ace stared at me dumbstruck, and Marco had to shake him to get him to move. "And you," Doflamingo pointed at me. "You will meet me in my office."

He had his smile on. The smile that said he had something planned.


Doflamingo's office was interesting. You could see he liked pink. He had pink walls and pink paper on his desk. His armchair was black with pink feathers on it. Doflamingo sat upon the chair, his legs hanging over the right chair arm.

"Your the new student, am I right?" He asked after a moment. I stood awkwardly with my arms crossed over my chest.

"Yes," I replied careful to keep any spite out of my voice. "I'm Akira."

"Hmm, indeed. How are you liking Grandline Academy?" Doflamingo asked and I glared at him.

"Loving it," I voiced sarcastically.

"I'm glad, I'm glad," Doflamingo nodded and stared at Akira. "You're interesting Akira."

His words surprised me. It was what Law had said. I reminded silent. After a moment, Doflamingo smiled again, spreading over his face like a bed sheet over a mattress.

"Akira, how about we make a deal."


Dum, dum, duuuuummmmmm!!!!!!

Drama! I'm loving it! Like McDonalds! I got a new phone!!!! Yay! My old one had sand in the screen! SAND!!!

Anyway, in case you haven't noticed, I deleted the other two stories. I wasn't inspired by them and got bored. It happens. But I promise I will not get bored of this. If I did I'd feel like a jerk, giving you guys hope then taking it away again. That's the worst.

So, I'm excited for this, I can't wait to write all these ideas I've got, but I've got to get to them first,which is annoying cause I just wanna write EVERYTHING NOW!!!!!

What do you guys think of the new cover? I used the apps that 7Panda7 mentioned in her guide book. THEY ARE SO GOOD!!!! I also found one that gets all those special effects like light flares cameras can do. It's called FotoRus, it's meant for Instagram or something, but I use it for some of my covers.

I feel like Doug the dog - squirrel!!!




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