Dodge ball

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Warning, a bad word in here. I'm probably gonna warn you when there are, which there won't be many of (i hope...) Anyway, straight onto the chapter!


Akira POV.

"Miss Akira, come on, hurry up," I smiled at Law, who was only a few metres ahead of me. I picked up speed, jogging to catch up with him. He smiled at me, taking the picnic basket off me. It was a strange sight, seeing him smile properly, not just smirking. It made me smile, even more so when he took hold of my hand in his free one.

"Hey! Akira, wait up!" I turned, and saw Ace jogging to keep up. I glanced back at Law, and saw him frown, but when he noticed me looking he smirked.

"Hey guys," Ace said when he reached us, draping his arm over my shoulders. We continued walking through the fields. I just noticed them; beautiful green fields with long grass dancing in the wind. Large flowers brushed my ankles. A single tree stood not far away, and Nami and Luffy sat under it. Luffy stood up and waved us over. Laughing Ace and I dragged Law over.

Luffy wrapped his arms around me in a hug, and I grinned happily, sitting down on a picnic blanket next to Nami. The food was set out and we started eating. Suddenly I flew back, slamming into another tree, metal holding me into place. Kid's mean red eyes bore into mine, and I felt something cold press against my neck.

"A-Ace," I gasped, my voice weak. "Law- pl-please- help."

I looked around for them, but Ace and Luffy were gone. Law stood, not far behind, not doing anything. His face was blank of any emotion. I tried to reach for him, but he faded, gone. I felt a prick in my heart, and turned to Kid's other side. Nami stood there, smirking. I reached for her, and she reached for me, but then pulled her hand back abruptly. She too vanished, and there was just Kid.

He smirked, pressing on the blade. I gasped as he pulled back his arm, a knife in his hand, and drove it towards m-


I gasped, slamming my head into the ground. I sat up, shaking and I tried to register where I was. My feet were tangled in the sheets, hanging off the bed. I was sweating a lot, and I felt terrible. Tears pricked at the back of my eyes.

"Stop it Akira, it was just a dream," I said to myself slapping my cheeks. I stood up, and looked around. I realised I was in the spare room in Law's dorm. Law. Why did he vanish? What did that dream mean? What was with Nami?

I shook my head. I need to clear my head, shower, then walk, I thought to myself heading over to the bathroom. I took a quick, warm shower, and got dressed before stepping quietly out of the room. I tip-toed my way through the lounge and stepped outside into the cold hall. I hugged my arms before turning down a hall and walking away. My bare feet curled each time they came in contact with the freezing cold floor.

I found my way outside (by climbing out a window). Outside I could see the sun only starting to rise, the light curling over the large wall surrounding Grand-Line Academy. I stared for a moment, letting the warm light envelope me before turning to the building, and climbing up a drain pipe and onto the roof. I could see over the wall from here, and the town around us was silent. A few trucks were driving along, but barely any cars. I smiled at the sight, it was something normal. Not like anything I'd experienced here.

It was an odd feeling, seeing the world carry on while we were stuck, not really going anywhere. I sat down, still able to see over the wall, just not as much. It felt like ages had passed since I arrived here, but I was only on my third day. I sighed, how was I supposed to survive this school if only two days had passed? Surely not every day would be as eventful as the past few. Deep inside I knew they would be though.

My High School Hell Continued (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now