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Domo's pov

Today me and my best friend are going to Olive Garden because she wanna see this girl,and I already know the girl probably bout to be ugly as hell but it's whatever,hopefully we could just see this girl and bounce...

Domo:so where's Olive Garden

Gramz:right up the street

Domo:man,why couldn't you go without me

Gramz:cause this girl is fire

Domo:she can't be that pretty

Gramz:yes,she is

Domo:how is she so like her

Gramz:what does that mean

Domo:it means you have a bad taste in girls 

Gramz:anyways we're here,GET OUT

Domo:I don't want to go in there

Gramz:she gon make yo eyes bleed

Domo:so that means she's ugly

Gramz:nope...she's beautiful lefts go


We walk inside and gramz asks if we could talk to crissy

Gramz:you see that pretty light skin over there

Domo:yeah...we need to ask if we can talk to her

Gramz:I should pop you in the mouth

Domo:why...I need that number

Gramz:that's crissy!

Domo:oh,uh,she fine

Gramz:yup see I told you 

As crissy was walking over to us...I started to tingle 


Gramz:what up


Crissy:what you want

Gramz:yo number

As crissy was writing down her number I got my phone out

Crissy:I'm going to go back to work now

Gramz:ok...I'll call you later


Domo:yo can I get her number

Gramz:of this piece of paper



Domo:why the hell not


Domo:give me a reason


Domo:man get yo  stingy self out of here

Gramz:I'll be in the car


She walked to the car and I turned around and crissy was staring at me smiling...I gave her a little smile back

Domo:um excuse me 


I started asking the lady that called crissy if she knew her number

Domo:do you know that crissy girls number


Domo:well could you give it to me

Lady:no problem

The lady wrote it down and gave it to me

Domo:thank you

Lady:your welcome

I tried to see crissy one last time...but when I looked over where I seen her...she was gone

Gramz:what took you so long

Domo:I got her number myself since you was being stingy

Gramz:man whatever 

We left...

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