the first look at the new member

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Logan: okay I get it you two are disappointed but I need your help say something please.

Pam: honey its not that we are disappointed but you should know better.

Greg: what the hell was going through your head, there is so many ways you can prevent this and know you are going to be a dad, who is the girl anyway.

Logan: um okay thanks for your advice dad very supportive, and her name is (Y/N) you might have seen her in some of my vlogs.

Pam: okay well when will we meet the future mother of you child

Logan: mom please, and she will be arriving any minute now so dad I would appreciate it if you kept your comments to the minimum.

the doorbell rings.

Logan: okay this has to be her so please both of you.

(Y/N) pov: idk why Logan invited me over but I'm extremely nervous right now.

(Logan opens the door for you and you walk in and the first thing you notice are his parents sitting on his couch looking directly at you)

Pam:(gets up and walks towards you) hey my name is pam I am logans mom.

(Y/N): hi my name is (Y/N)

(greg only says hi from a distance you all sit down and Logan serves you all dinner after you eat Pam decides to break the ice)

Pam: so I now we have being avoiding this but I think is time to talk about it .

(Y/N)Pov: um WHAAAT!!!, I just turn to Logan and give him a face of what in the hell

Pam:so its okay but we do need to discuss what you two will be doing with the baby.

Logan: yeah Jeff and Katy told us that if we wanted we could start setting up meetings with parents that could adopt the baby.

Pam: um okay but are you sure you want to give the baby up?

Greg: to be honest I think giving the baby up is something cowards would do, yeah sometimes is hard if you don't have a good stable situation then thats understandable because you want your  baby to have the best life possible, but honestly you two have money you have steady situation, so I don't see why give it up.

Logan: dad yeah I get what you are saying but I don't think I'm ready I'm only 23 and she is barely 21.

Greg: well you should have thought about that before being so stupid.

Logan: DAD!!

(Y/N): no logan I think he is right, I mean we both have money we have stable jobs and we are the ones that messed up.

Logan: but we are not ready.

Pam: honey I know you think that when you get older you will feel like you are ready to be a parent but tbh, it doesn't matter how old you are  you are never ever going to be ready, being a parent is the way you learn, you think that when I had you I was ready? no, i was terrified, when we had Jake I was a little more prepared, but what I'm getting to is that you feel ready to be a parent when you become a parent not by how old you are.

Greg: yeah your mother is right I never felt ready to be a father until you and Jake were born, being a father is one of the greatest things that ever happened to me.

(Y/N) pov:after talking for a while I got a text from my manager saying that I had to go home to a small meeting that he were having, so I tell them we all say bye Logan walks me out and I leave home, while I'm in the uber I'm thinking of how terrified I was to be a mom but know after this conversation with Pam and Greg I feel a bit more secure.

A week goes by and is the night before your appointment and you receive a text from Logan

in the text

Logan: hey sorry I won't be able to go to the appointment with you tomorrow I have an audition to go to but I asked my mom if she could go with you and she said yeah but only if its cool with you.

(Y/N): its okay don't worry and yeah she can come

Logan: okay then its all set up 

(Y/N): yeah 

Logan: well good night see you tomorrow

(Y/N): yeah good night 

end of text message 

the next morning you wake up and begin to get ready, you hear the door bell and Nora goes and opens the door

Nora: oh hi 

Logan: oh heyyy we are just here to...

Nora: hey Logan don't worry I know about it

Logan:oh okay I wasn't sure, but is (Y/N) here 

Nora: yeah she is in her room she will be out any minute 

Pam: you guys have a very beautiful place 

Nora: aww thank you 

(you walk out of you room and say hi to everyone)

Logan: so are we ready?

(Y/N): I thought you weren't going 

Logan: I can't stay for the appointment but I can still drop you two off at the doctor so lets go

Pam: yeah well we will see you later Nora it was nice meeting you

Nora: thank you it was nice meeting you too oh and good luck in the appointment.

(you leave Logan drops you off at the appointment and after 20 minute they finally call you in,  they tell you to lay down on the bed and they put the gel in your stomach)

Doctor: well the heart beat is normal, everything seems okay with the baby

Pam: and do you know how far she is 

Doctor: yeah she is around 3 months about to be 4 months, so by your next appointment you will be able to know the gender of your baby.

Pam: omg yayayay im so excited to be a grandma 

(Y/N)pov:  after seeing the baby in the screen I almost cried, honestly this helped me make my decision, I know I'm not ready to be a mom idk how I will do it but I will learn I feel even more connected to my baby now, and I can't believe that in a week I will be able to know the gender of my baby.

little logangster (Logan Paul X reader) (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now