give me a chance

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(Y/N) pov: we finally pull away but now he is leaning his forehead on mine,  his hands are resting on my waist and all I can hear is him breathing, why does something so good feel so bad, I can hear him say my name but before he finishes all I say is " i can't do this right now" and I just walk back into the party make my way through the crowd and open the door to leave, do I know why I did that? NO!! But there is no turning back now, I'm not sure what I plan to do now, I could just go home, as  I'm walking down the hallway to the main exit I hear someone say my name, this was a females voice when I turn I see her, what the hell does she want, so I stop and and ask "what?!" I hope she notices the annoyance in my voice, she walks towards me and stops about a foot away from me.
Claudia: wow you are such a slut.

(Y/N): excuse me?!

Claudia: oh don't act all innocent because it won't work with me, you see, I can see right through you, you kissed him because I was with him the other day you are jealous.

(Y/N): ha you ARE funny, me jealous of you, NEVER!, you see HE kissed me, I didn't ask for it.

Claudia: oh sure is that what you really believe?!, what did you really do to make him want to kiss you, did you threaten him with Cameron, or were you all up on his grill, ha!

(Y/N):( scoffs) honey, you see unlike you I don't need to beg for a kiss, or climb all up on him to get a kiss, because he actually likes me, he wanted that Kiss as much as I did, and whatever moment you say you two had clearly meant nothing to him.

Claudia: sure I bet you he just felt pity for you, first you and that dude Alex, and now Logan, why can't you just leave him alone?

(Y/N): are you really telling me this, first of all Alex is just a friend, and me and Logan we have something, and you are jealous because you and him have nothing, and what we have you will never be able to have with him because we  have a kid together.

Claudia: oh is that a dare.

(Y/N): WHAT?!

Claudia: okay let's just see who ends up with him first.

(Y/N): WHAT? , are you insane? Love isn't a competition, if me and him end up together it won't be because of a competition.

Claudia: how do you know for sure you are the one that's going to end up with him?

(Y/N): I don't, but I'm just saying that it is not a competition.

Claudia: we'll see I am not holding back.

(Y/N): look, I don't know what the hell is going through you head right now but I am not doing this, not to Logan, he doesn't deserve it, and if I want to be with him i'll do it on my own not because I'm trying to win a stupid competition with you, so Claudia sorry, but no there is no competition.

Claudia: wow you are scared because you know you are no match for me.

(Y/N): well I'm going to stop waisting my breath and I'm just going home to my kiddo bye Claudia, watch your drinks.( walks out into the street)

Claudia: ha well see who Logan wants.

Logans POV: well she left, didn't even let me finish my sentence, did I just ruin any chance we had?, idk well I try to enjoy the rest of the party, but I can't she is in my head right now I can't stop thinking about her, about that kiss, I find my self day dreaming multiple times during the party, until I get to a point where I just can't be in there no more, I have to go for a walk or drive, I just need to Clear my head, I walk out to the parking lot, I text Evan to let him know I'm leaving early I don't want him to come with me just because, thats why I didn't want to tell him inside, because I know he will be like " oh dude yeah if you want to go lets go like don't worry, i'll help with your problems, or ill try to give you advice" or something along those line, I really appreciate him, but I don't want to pull him out of the fun just because of the drama going on in my life, and tbh I kinda just want to be alone, so I decide to drive wherever the rode takes me, I dry for about an hour through random streets until I finally find the Main Street that leads to my house, it takes me about five minutes to get home, when I walk in i'm surprised to see no one, but as I'm walking to my room I see a shadow standing in the back yard,so I walk out.

Logan: hey..

(Y/N): hey..

Logan: I was expecting to se Akela here.

(Y/N): yeah I got here a bit earlier then I had told her, so I put cameron to bed and told her to go home an rest.

Logan: oh okay.

(Y/N): yeah..

Logan: okay I just want you to be honest, did you want that kiss or did you regret it right after?


Logan: well i'll take your silence as my answer, I'm sorry.(walking in the house)

(Y/N): I don't regret it.

Logan: (stops and turns back to face you) then why did you just ran out?

(Y/N): because I'm scared, can you blame me tho, after all you were the one playing man hoe while I was away, so I was not sure if your feelings for me were real, or maybe you were just really drunk.

Logan: first of all I did all that because I was in pain, and second I didn't drink that much trust me I wasn't drunk when I kissed you and I'm still not drunk, I did what I did because I wanted to.


(Y/N) Pov: as those words come out of my mouth, I can feel him closer, he grabs my waist and turns me to face him, our faces are so close, we just stare into each others eyes, his beautiful blue eyes, are like an ocean were you want to get lost in.

Logan: I know I hurt you, but how I said before,i'm here for you and cameron, and I will do my best to not disappoint you, i'll do my best to be the man you deserve, I just need you to give me a chance.

(Y/N): its just, if things end up bad with us, is not just our happiness that at risk, its also cam's and I don't want him to get hurt because of our mistakes.

Logan: I get it but I really need you to trust me, and how would you know that things could en up bad between us, you don't know that.

(Y/N): I don't, but just give me time.

Logan: okay, you can have all the time you want, because no matter how long it takes you to decide I will be right here waiting.

here is the new chapter hopefully you guys enjoyed it , and once again thank you so much for the support.

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