my past

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(Y/N)pov: well I can't believe today is the day I get to tell my mom, she is going to be so disappointed, I mean it's not like I planed all of this, but ugh I hate this feeling my whole life it has only being me and my mom, my whole life I've always tried my hardest to make her proud, make her happy, I mean she deserves it after all she had to go through, she deserves the best of the best in this world, but I know today will be the day were everything I have achieved my whole life won't matter anymore.

hours later you sent an uber to pick your mom up at the airport you just had to think of what you were going to tell her.

(Y/N) pov:i have being waiting for thirty minutes for my mom to arrive and I'm just sitting here going over and over again, of what I think this conversation is gonna be like, as I'm repeating every thing in my head I hear the doorbell rings and I can feel a knot form in my stomach I take a deep breath walk towards the door, as I see the door open my heart starts beating faster and faster by the second, my mom walks in I guess she was so excited to see me that she didn't notice that I was now 14 pounds heavier and that I had a huge belly, until she hugs me and she instantly notices, she closes the door behind Her , and just stares at me for a few seconds but to me it felt like ages, I decide to break the silence and I invite her to sit with me on the couch.

Mom: so...... 

(Y/N):mom I know you are disappointed, but I need you now more then ever. please say something. 

Mom: so how many months.


Mom: wow so you decide to just tell me now.

(Y/N): mom is just I didn't know,  I knew how you were going to react so I didn't want to tell you I wasn't ready. I never wanted to disappoint you.

Mom: so because of that you decided to hide it from me, what.... how could you I'm your mother I raised you, I honestly expected more from you, after all it has always being me and you.

(Y/N):mom please don't do this.

Mom:do you know who the father is, is he going to be responsible, or is he just going to leave you.

(Y/N):mom, yes he is going to be responsible, this is actually his house he invited me to live with him for as longs I wanted to.

Mom:good at least he has the balls to take responsibility.

(Y/N): mom you know not every man is like dad.

Mom: what the hell were you thinking, I mean. why couldn't you just keep your legs closed, I didnt raise you like this I always expected you to wait for the right man marry that man, and have a family with that man, but you skipped all that and went straight to family making.

(Y/N):mom I don't need you to treat me like this I need your support.

Mom: how do you expect me to support you, you know why I didn't want this to happen.

(Y/N): but because it happened to you doesn't mean is going to happen to me.

Mom: I have always taught you to wait, because I made the mistake to fall for the wrong men, I had a child with that men lived with him for years, I did everything I could to have a family with him, but he didn't want that he cheated on me with a different woman everyday, and he would slap me, he treated me like I was nothing, I always wanted to protect to you from that, I don't want you to go through that, you were the only good thing that came out of all that. but I guess what I said meant nothing to you.

(Y/N):Mom I get it you are disappointed.

Mom: disappointed hell yeah I'm disappointed, I'm disappointed in you, but I'm also disappointed on myself I have failed as mother, honestly idk were I went wrong.

after you and  your mom talked, she decided she needed time, and went over to your apartment and stay with Nora.

(Y/N)Pov; well that went exactly as I thought it would, I tried my hardest to hold my tears back, but once she left I couldn't anymore I let it all out, I remembered Logan told me he was going to get home late that day, so I just went to my room and cried my self to sleep.

Ps: please don't forget write down your baby name ideas and the comments below, and thank you so much for reading really appreciate it .

list of names:

1) Leo



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