the city lights

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(Y/N) pov: so it has now being about a week since I came back,  the party was so fun, I enjoyed every bit of it and it feels good to be back, the best part was that Logan flew my mom here, I almost cried, but that doesn't make it easier for me to stop thinking about him, every time I try to move on, try to forget him, he does something that makes my heart beat faster, something that makes my heart ache for him, but I can't tell him, I can't show him, not until I know for sure that we can make things work, until I know we can have a future together, because if we start things and they end badly, that wouldn't be good for us, or cameron, well today its Kylie's b-day party, so I called Akela and asked if she could babysit cameron, she agreed, so now I just have to get ready, so I'm curling my hair and putting in a half up half down, and my outfit its pretty casual, some ripped jeans with a tank top, just the usual. well now that I'm done, I should get going, I walk in the living room and say bye to my baby and Akela, I call an uber, when I arrive, I go to sit with Kylie, since I first started my modeling career, Kylie was one of the persons that I got the closest to and she was the one that drove me to the hospital when I was having cameron, so you can say we are pretty close friend by now, so we are just hanging out having a great time, but the smell of alcohol and the body heat got to me, I thought I was going to have a panic attack or something, so I decide to take a break and go to the balcony, out there it was much more quieter, I enjoy to look at Los Angeles during the night, all the lights, the air, the ocean feels so far but yet so close, everything is perfect, I begin remembering how before I started all this I was just a little girl with a big dream, and how in such little time, my life got turned upside down, and when I thought it was the end of everything I had worked so hard for, just like that a new ray of sunshine came through the gray clouds of my life and gave me hope, life is good right now, I have everything I've dreamed of and some things I never really thought of having, my thoughts begin to eat me alive when all of the sudden a quick but soft tap on my  shoulder distracts me, I look to my left and there he was with his beautiful smile , and dreamy blue eyes, but you have to be strong, he has hurt you to much, maybe just give it some time.

Logans POV: so today its Kylie's b-day, but I had some business to do, so when I get home all I find is Akela and cameron, I guess (Y/N) left already, so Evan and I rush in our rooms to shower quickly, and get ready, when we are done, I go say bye to cameron, and the we both hop on the yeti, when we arrive, there are so many people there, I try to look for (Y/N) in between the crowd, but I fail to, so for a good while George, Evan, and I just drink something and chat, when I see the balcony doors open, I'm not sure if its her, I can't really see her, but I take a chance I've being trying to talk to her for so long this might be my chance, when I walk out she is just staring into the city, just thinking, I just admire her for a brief moment , until I decide to stop being a creep and actually give her a sign that I'm here, so I softly tap her shoulder, when she looks at me its like everything I had being thinking, everything I thought I was going to say just left, I was blank I didn't know what to do or say, but I've missed her so much, and just like that human nature takes over,and in the spark of the moment without even realizing it I put one hand on her waist and the other on the side of her face, and we just kiss, it was the kiss I had being aching for so long, the kiss my body has being asking me for since she got here, I thought that by now she would have pushed me away, or at least  try to stop it, but she did no effort to, which for me is a good sign, it means that she wanted this as much as I did.

(Y/N) POV: and one moment we are just standing there and the next our lips are locked together, I could have stoped it or pushed him away, but even though my brain was telling me this wasn't the right move, my brain wasn't in control of my body anymore, and my body wanted this, I had being hoping for this, I truly wanted this, and I hadn't realized that until now.

I know its a short chapter, but its a good one, hope you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it.

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