Chapter 8- Loki

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I was walking into the library when I felt a wet liquid stream down my leg followed by a sharp pain in the lower part of my stomach. Gripping the doorway, I cried out in pain.

"Mister Laufeyson, are you okay?" JARVIS asked.

"Not r-really JARVIS." I said once the contraction passed.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Get Bruce and tell him to prepare the la-Ahhh!" I got cut off by another contraction.

"Get Bruce and tell him to prepare the lab." The A.I. repeated. "Should I tell Mister Stark that you went into labor?"

"I don't care, it doesn't matter to me." I responded then tried to get to the elevator. When I got in, another contraction hit so I grabbed the handle and cried out in pain. The elevator took me all the way to the lab and then opened. I stepped out just in time to fall into Tony's arms as another contraction hit.

"Here, I got you." He told me as he picked me up bridal style and laid me down on the table. Bruce walked over and checked my dilation.

"You're at a four but as close as the contractions are I don't think you'll have to wait that long." I nodded before turning to Tony.

"Why are you here?" I didn't ask it in a rude way but Tony looked hurt.

"Like it or not Angelica and Sabrina are still my children and I would like to be there when they're born." I smiled before gripping his hand in pain. He squeezed back. "Everything will be alright, just relax."

"How can I relax when every two and a half minutes I'm screaming in pain?" He laughed before kissing my forehead.

"You'll power through. After all, you said you've been a mother before." I laughed too.

"I never told you the story." I remembered.

"Hm. . . I guess you didn't. Do you think you can tell me now?" I screamed as another contraction hit then relaxed as it passed.

"Probably. It might take my mind off the pain." Tony pulled a chair up to the table and grabbed my hand again as he sat down.

"I'm all ears." I smiled at the expression.

"There was this giant that was building a wall around Asgard in return for the sun, the moon, and Freya. We, of course, agreed thinking he wouldn't be able to complete the task in the time we gave him. We were wrong and like usual, no one listened to what I had to say so I turned into a mare and went after his horse. The horse, Svadilfari, caught sight of me and got filled up on lust and delight so he snapped the reigns and bounded after me. I ran away of course but he ran after me." I stopped and screamed in pain. Tony squeezed my hand which helped me calm down. "Svadilfari ended up catching me and impregnated me."

"As a horse?" I laughed.

"Yes, as a horse. And I gave birth to a beautiful grey calf."

"So your other child is a horse?" He repeated. I nodded.

"An eight legged horse named Sleipnir, yes."

"Norse Mythology is messed up." I laughed.

"You should see the Greek, with them everyone's related to everyone." This time Tony laughed but I cut it off by screaming. Bruce had walked over to check me.

"Eight, you're almost there." I whimpered as I laid my head on the pillow. "Why don't you try walking around? That normally gets the child in the pelvis area which you would need in order to give birth. I don't know how much help this will be but it's worth giving it a shot." I nodded as Tony helped me stand up and then started walking me around the lab.

"Now what do you wanna talk about?" Tony asked, trying to distract me from the pain.

"I don't know. Do you have a nursery for Sabrina?"

"I've got a crib if that's what you're asking." I rolled my eyes. "Does Angelica have a nursery?"

"Yes, actually. Because I care about my child." I hissed. He stuck his tongue out at me.

"I care, I've just been really busy. Who set up the nursery?"

"My mother and Thor. It links up with my bedroom so it'll be easier to care for her."

"Yeah, it would be. I guess that means you're still leaving?"

"Sadly, yes. But I'll be back."

"In sixteen years!" He complained. I attempted to laugh but got cut off by a contraction. Tony picked me up and carried me back to the table. Bruce walked over and checked my dilation.

"You are good to go. On the next contraction I want you to push." I weakly nodded before pushing as the contraction hit. "And relax." I took a deep breath before pushing again.

It felt like ten minutes before I heard the loud cries of Angelica. I relaxed for a second before pushing again.

"One last push and you will be done." Bruce informed me after a couple of minutes. I pushed as hard as I could and then relaxed when I heard Sabrina crying. "There you go, you did it!"

Bruce had taken the two to get cleaned so I closed my eyes for a little. When I opened them I saw Tony holding one of the twins and the other one on my chest. I smiled at her as she opened her eyes to reveal beautiful emerald green ones with little brown specks.

"Hey there little one." I greeted. She wiggled around on my chest so I sat up and held her. "I'm your mommy little Angelica. And that's your sister, Sabrina." I pointed at the baby in Tony's arms. "You're not gonna see her for a while but when you do you're gonna love her." Tony looked over at me and smiled. "And that's your daddy. He did a terrible thing to mommy so we're gonna go away for a while. But don't worry, like your sister you'll see him again."

"Thor's outside and is waiting for you." He informed me. I nodded and tried to get up. Tony walked over and helped me. The four of us walked into the elevator and up to the main level. We walked outside and over to Thor.

"Brother!" He yelled. I put my finger to my mouth as a way to shush him. "Are you ready to go?" He asked, much quieter.

"Yes, Thor. We're ready." I walked over to Thor and grabbed his arm. He opened the Bifrost and I watched as we ascended. I grabbed one of Angelica's arms and waved goodbye to Tony and Sabrina.

When we got to Asgard, we stepped onto the rainbow bridge. I moved Angelica in my arms a little so she was able to see everything.

"This is your home baby, this is were you'll grow up. So welcome home, Angelica."

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