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The sixteen year old girl, who hasn't even been sixteen for two weeks and already has two speeding tickets ("C'mon, dad, if you're gonna let me drive the race car, I'm gonna go fast!"), with raven black hair pulled up into a messy bun on the top of her head and emerald green eyes with flecks of brown that she has resented almost her entire life stares at another sixteen year old girl with similar hair pulled into a braid and similar eyes (including the stupid brown flecks). This mirror girl, yup, that's what Sabrina is calling her now, stares back at Sabrina, occasionally blinking.

"Look, chick, I don't know what acid trip you're on but I'm not gonna deal with it." Sabrina remarks. "I don't have a mother let alone a twin sister." She begins to close the door but Mirror Girl stops it with her foot. Sabrina rolls her eyes and leans against the doorframe.

"You are Sabrina Stark, correct?" Mirror Girl asks with some funky accent Sabrina's only heard with Thor (and sometimes Vincent when he visits). Cue another eye roll.

"I already answered this. Look, if you're looking for help then go look somewhere else. This isn't a place that houses druggies." Sabrina crosses her arms over her chest. "This is Avengers Tower. You clearly aren't an Avenger." Mirror Girl tries to peer in from the door. Sabrina closes it just enough so Mirror Girl can't see.

"Does an Anthony Stark live here?" Sabrina straightens and narrows her eyes at the girl.

"Okay. Cut the bull. Who the fuck are you?" Mirror Girl looks confused at the language. Sabrina can't care less. All she wants to do is get back to repairing her suit which is the only reason she is up in the middle of the night.

"My name is Angelica Lokidottir." Mirror Girl states proudly. If she could, Sabrina would narrow her eyes even further. She's heard the name Loki before when she's asked Thor about Asgard or when she overhears her aunt and uncles talking about her mother. "Can I come in?" Sabrina doesn't say anything. "It's kind of chilly out here." With a sigh that sounds more like a growl, Sabrina swings the door open. Mirror Girl, or Angelica as she just said was her name, walks in and takes her hood off.

"Make yourself at home, I guess." Angelica- nope, Sabrina's sticking with Mirror Girl- looks around the dark living room. "JARVIS, lights." As if by magic, the lights suddenly turn on. Mirror Girl gasps, astonished, and continues looking around. "You're not from around here, are you?" Mirror Girl shakes her head.

"I've lived in Asgard my entire life."

Sabrina nods. "Of course you have."

Mirror Girl swipes her finger across the dining table. They haven't eaten there for as long as Sabrina can remember. Normally, they just eat in the living room. The table is covered in a thick layer of dust. Mirror Girl just laughs and blows the dust on her fingers off. Sabrina rolls her eyes.

"Where is our father?" Mirror Girl asks, turning back to Sabrina who raises an eyebrow.

"My father is asleep. Incase you haven't noticed, it's the middle of the night."

Mirror Girl nods. "Of course I noticed. Coming at this time was the only way I could sneak away from my mother."

"So your mother-"

"-our mother."

Sabrina nods. "Yeah. Our mother." She scrunches her nose. "Whatever. This chick-"

"Actually, mother is a guy. Most of the time at least." Mirror Girl corrects again. Sabrina stares.

"What the actual fuck?" She mutters, looking to the ceiling as if JARVIS would have an answer. "Okay. This- this person. Loki. He doesn't even know you're here?" Mirror Girl nods. Sabrina pinches the bridge of her nose. "JARVIS, remind me to never pull an all-nighter to fix the suit again."

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