Chapter 10- Loki

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"What are you doing?" Tony asked as he looked over at a five year old Sabrina who was playing with a wrench.

"Playing with daddy's toys." She told him brightly. Tony laughed as he pulled her onto his lap and let her help fix the Iron Man suit.

"You're a genius, just like daddy." Sabrina giggled and continued helping. "Are you gonna make a suit like mine for when you're older?"

"Can I? Please, please, please!!" Her emerald green eyes with chocolate brown specks in them lit up as she pleaded. I smiled at how beautiful she grew up to be.

"I don't see why you ca-" Tony got cut off by my other daughter's voice.

"Mommy, who are you talking to?" I made the image go away before saying anything.

"No one, Angel. Are you ready for your first magic lesson with your grandmother?"

"Yes! Can we go now?" I laughed as I stood up and walked over to my raven haired beauty.

She was wearing a light green dress with black ballet flats. Her hair was tied back in a lovely braid that Sif probably did and she had on the half heart necklace I gave her when she was two.

Sabrina has the other half but they don't know that. Tony and I thought it would be a cute birthday gift if each girl had one half of the necklace. Angelica had asked me countless of times before on who has the other half but I've always told her that when the time comes, she'll know.

"Of course sweetheart, let's go." Together, we walked out of our joint chambers and over to mother's library. Unlike the public library in the palace, hers has books on magic and she told Angelica that she would teach her the art of magic when she was old enough.

When we got to the library, Angelica ran over to mother and wrapped her in a hug. I smiled softly.

"Hello granddaughter. Are you ready for your first lesson?" Mother greeted.

"Yes, grandmother. I am ready to learn the art that is magic." I smiled at the sight of my daughter reading a magic book with my mother. "Mom! You don't have to watch me!" Angelica complained. I walked over to her and gave her a kiss on the forehead.

"Very well, Angel. Good luck with your first lesson."

I walked out of the room and back to mine. My unmade bed was quite comfortable but I didn't fall asleep. Instead I rolled over and used my magic to form the image again.

"You did good for your first time using the tools." Tony complimented Sabrina on what she did to the Iron Man suit. The suit was silver and blue instead of the normal red and gold, the mask was forged in a heart shaped form, and the repulsers were pink. It was a miniature version of the normal suit which led me to believe that it was for Sabrina.

Speaking of which, Sabrina was covered in grease and oil. Her raven hair was messy and was coming out of her bun. The smile on her face was the only beautiful thing that wasn't covered in grime.

"Thank you daddy." Tony kissed the top of her head before turning her around and placing her back on the ground.

"No problem princess, but you're all dirty. Why don't you go upstairs and clean up? Uncle Steve should be done with dinner soon."

"Okay!" Sabrina ran up the stairs and soon she was out of my sight. I felt a tear run down my cheek as I caught the last glimpse of my youngest daughter.

Tony swung over and pulled something out of the drawer. He sat back in the chair and I was able to see the object. It was a picture of Tony and I on our wedding day. I was wearing a pure white suit and Tony the exact opposite. I smiled at the memory.

"I miss you, Loki. Sooner or later our daughters are going to start asking about us and I don't think I can answer that without tearing up. It was my mistake that split us up but now it's up to you for us to come together." Tony kissed the picture before putting it away. "I love you. I never stopped loving you."

"I never stopped loving you either."

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