Chapter 11- Loki

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As I was walking throughout the halls of the palace I heard the faint laughter of my ten year old daughter and nine year old nephew. I smiled at the sight I saw when I walked into the room they were in. Vincent was destroying the mini city Angelica built with his mini hammer, Angelica kept building as she laughed along side her cousin.

The two didn't even realize that I was standing there until I cleared my throat. Then they just stared at me.

"What are you two doing?" I asked. Angelica stood up and looked down as if she did something wrong. I engulfed the two in a hug and laughed. "I see you're having fun with one another. That's good, you should get along with each other." Vincent and Angelica pulled away smiling.

"Vincent was being one of the monsters that destroys cities in Midgard. He said they were from a movie." She said. I nodded.

"I believe he's correct."

"When can I go to Midgard?" I sat down next to her and pulled her onto my lap.

"Oh, I don't know. Not for quite some time, though."

"Can I go sooner? Please, please, please!" She begged. I twirled a piece of her raven hair around my finger.

"Afraid not sweetheart. But if you wait it'll make Midgard look much more beautiful. Now, continue playing with Vincent." I told her.

"Okay." She got off my lap and went back to building mini cities with the building blocksThor brought back. I left the room and walked over to the library where Jane was.

"Loki!" She cheered when I sat down across from her after pulling out a book. "Where'd you come from?"

"The playroom that our kids are in." I responded. She closed the book she was reading from and set it aside. "They've gotten along pretty well over the years."

"So they have." She agreed. "But Thor said the two of you were close as children." I nodded.

"Yes, we were." I gave a soft smile as I replayed memories of my past.

"What happened?" I shrugged.

"Thor grew up and focused on war whereas I focused on reading and magic. We eventually ended up drifting apart." She nodded in understanding. "Speaking of, how are things with Thor?"

"As good as it gets when you're married to a god." We both laughed at the comment. "Natasha misses you."

"And I her. I'll come back soon, in six more years but soon."

"I know." After our conversation she went back to reading but I took my book with me back to my chambers. I threw it aside as I sat on my bed. The image I have grown to love formed at my touch and I stared fondly at it.

"Dad, he's just a friend." Sabrina told Tony as she gestured to the boy standing next to her. He had black hair and what looked to be grey eyes.

"I know that but he's still your first friend regardless of gender. What did you say your name was?" Tony asked the guy.

"Victor Strange, I'm Stephen Strange's son."

"The doctor magician dude, right?" Sabrina and Victor laughed.

"Yeah dad, he's the doctor magician dude." Sabrina agreed. "Can we go to the park now?"

"Oh yeah, go have fun. I don't want to get in the way of anything." Sabrina stood on her tiptoes and kissed his cheek.

"Thanks dad!" She called over her shoulder as Vincent and her walked out of the tower. Tony turned around and walked over to the team.

"You let her go! Good job, Tony." Natasha joked.

"Oh shut up. He's Strange's kid, she'll be fine."

"You trust Strange?" Bruce asked.

"Sure! Why wouldn't I? He hasn't done anything for me not to trust him."

"Alright. Are we dealing you into the game or not?" Tony sat down next to Clint who had a stack of Uno cards in his hand.

"Hell yeah! Why wouldn't I play?"

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