Build our Machine ||| CHAPTER FOUR

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|title ^^^ lolololol and this new cover is gr8 haha yes PANIC AT THE DISCO IS SO COOL, no, BRENDON URIE IS SO COOL, wait, no, BOTH ARE SOOO  COOOOL|

"Get back here!" You chased after him. He stuck out a glowing, yellow tongue at you.  'What the fuck—How?!'

Running faster and faster, you were able to catch up to him and grab the hood of his jacket. The glasses were clipped to the neck of his sweater. You grabbed them.

"Ha ha!" You let go of the hood, running faster than him. You put on the glasses. "Oh come here, you!" He grabbed your jacket hood, pulling you closer and giving you a noogie. Then, like in those cliché love stories, you two fall into the snow and roll down the conveniently placed hill.

In the clump of snow that you two got stuck in, you groan. You wipe the snow off your face with your free hand.

"Well that was an encounter." Getting out of the pile of snow, you dust off the remaining snowflakes.

A distressed sound. "What are you up to now?" You cross your arms. "Help..." His skull pops out of the big snowball, eye sockets filled to the brim with melty snow.


* * * * *

"Thanks." His face was tinged with gold and yellow. "Don't mention it." You rest your head in your palm.

"Did you get all the things needed?" "Yup. I poofed them all here before I'd break anything." He said, smoking a new cigarette and gesturing to the three items on the counter. "Good.." You sigh of relief, just wanting to get this over with. What did you want to do down here again? Something about proving a legend? Well, now you regret being so curious about this legend and your nut-job father's theory. Why was it so important to you anyway?

'So many questions...'

"Hey, aren't you supposed to not smoke today?" You tilt your head, planting a hand on your hip.

"But it's my stress reliever.." He pouts, acting all cute and cuddly. 'Bleh.' "Stress reliever my ass, what's so calming about smoking?"

"It relaxes me to such an extent that I wont give a single shit about all my problems in life." "Define 'relax'."

"Can't I just have my own thing?" "But smoking can cause lung cancer." "Doc, as you can see, I have no lungs." He raises his sweater so that part of his ribcage is showing. "Still.. how does it relax you?"

".. I dunno.. It just does. Now can we work on the blueprints?" He says.

"Okay.. well you still can't smoke for the rest of the day, no buts." "Fine.." He rolls his irises, taking out the cigarette from his teeth and discarding it.

"Now, for those blueprints..."

* * * * *

They looked as good as new. "Heh, finally." He rests his arm on your shoulder, white ink stains on his clothes, face, and bones. You had similar stains on the same areas.

The blueprints outlined a magic generator called the "STAR COLLECTOR 6000". You'd have to collect several "stars" from the Underground's sky (never thought you'd put the two words beside eachother), and feed it into the generator, so it would produce magic for the CORE. Though you had the materials in the lab to fix the machine, you still needed a power cell. Now that's where the message came in handy. It was a clue to where the power cell was hidden.

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