n o t i c e

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Hi! So, I'm deeply sorry if I can't publish its chapters too fast and early, because I'm too busy in school and I have lots of homeworks, outputs, projects and paperworks to do! I hope you'll all understand me in this situation rn, lmao. But, I'm doing my best to catch up and update soon! ❤ Anyway, I just want to share my new collaboration fanfic book, with bangteuwaiseu and yep! We decided to make a fanfic together, and I hope all of you will look forward to it! It's a JiMina fanfic, and of course it's in english lol!

"The Captive of Mr. Park"

So here's our collab account:

Thank youu all!! ❤❤

mei ♡

the bad boy's good girl / m.yg & i.ny [SLOW UPDATE]Where stories live. Discover now