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Nayeon's POV

"Nayeon-nii!" I was surprised when I heard someone shouting my name around the room. I turned around to see who it was, and I saw Mina with Tzuyu. I happily ran towards them, and they welcomed me with a big and warm hug. Well, eventhough they suck at times, I still love them both.

"How's summer?" Mina asked. I raised my eyebrows at her, and sheepishly smiled at her. Um, summer? I don't know how I'll describe my summer experience this year. I haven't felt all of the happiness around summer.

"It's great!" I said. "Totally great!" I answered her back. They nodded at me, and threw me lots of conversations. We talked for about an hour, and finally Jimin and Jungkook went over to our direction. We greeted each other at the same time, and exchanged smiles.

"Noona! How are you?" Jungkook asked. I smiled at him before rubbing the back of my head. I answered him back quickly, and my eyes started to swarm around us.

"Nayeon." Jimin mentioned my name. "Are you trying to look for something?" I quickly glanced at him and shook my head slowly. He looked at me with his small and sharp eyes and he smiled at me teasingly.

"I bet he's looking for Yoongi hyung." Jungkook answered. I looked at him and I gave him a frowned look. Aigoo, this kid. How about I tease him over at Tzuyu again, and he be like screaming inside because of embarrassment. He sure loves to tease me, but whenever I see him to Tzuyu, he just keeps silent and stays quiet.

"Yah." I told him and I crossed my arms. "I wasn't." I rolled my eyes over at him before tapping my foot on the ground. I noticed Tzuyu moving closer, and I felt her face close beside mine.

"Then who would you even look for rather than him?" She asked. "Is it Mark?" All of them cracked up laughing together, and I gently pinched her sides. But, before I could do that-- Jungkook quickly pulled Tzuyu away from me, and he wrapped his other arm around her waist. Wow, such a possesive and clingy boyfriend he is.

"Aish!" I said as I slapped my forehead. "Okay, fine! Where is he?" Jungkook and Jimin exchanged looks. They shrugged off their shoulders, and I felt lonely between the two lovebirds around me.

"Don't worry." Jimin said as he tapped my shoulders. "He'll be here soon." After he said that, I felt my face brightened up a little. Well, I just hope so.


"What do you want?" Tzuyu asked me. We decided to stay for awhile at the canteen because it's just the start of our classes, and there aren't alot of teachers around. Full of meetings, tours and introductions.

"Anything." I sighed as I rested my chin above my palm. Tzuyu looked at me puzzled, and she giggled a little.

"Anything?" She said. "How about I give you Yoongi today? Isn't that what you like?" She teased me, and I made a frowned look over at her.

"Ha ha ha. Stop that." I told her and she covered her mouth avoiding not to laugh. I noticed that the others were finally around, and Jimin was holding two bottles of strawberry milk. I sighed heavily, and I was about to reach over the bottle of milk from him when he laid it down over the table.

"Is that for me?" I asked him. I smiled a little, and gave him a thumbs up sign. "Thanks." I was about to grab it, when he quickly took it away.

"Who said that this is yours?" He said, and he made a silly face. "This is mine, and Mina's." I gave him a blank expression, and rolled my eyes over the next table.

"By the way, where is Yoongi?" Jimin said. "If he's here, he would've bought anything you like, Nayeon." I just ignored them and I buried my face into the table. I'm getting sleepy. I just want to stay inside the house, and sleep the entire day.

"Anyway, how are you and hyung doing, Noona?" Jungkook asked. I just raised my hand and made a thumbs up sign. I heard them sighing in response, and I just tap my fingers above the table.

"We're fine." I said. "I just miss him.." I spoke softly, and they all went silent. I don't know but I easily miss him, whenever he's not around me. Call me clingy or anything else, but that is just how I act towards the person I love. It's just me. Eventhough we keep on texting one another, it just feel different whenever we talk in personal. I just love to see his face and his presence around me.

"I miss you too." I heard a random voice. I just remained my head buried into the desk, and I chuckled a little.

"Stop messing around guys, I know-- I missed you all so much too." But right after I said that, I felt a warm touch above my shoulder which gave me thrills and shivers-- a feeling which I already felt a long time ago.

"That's sweet." I blinked many times, and my eyelids widened. Wait, this voice sounds familiar to me. I heard my heart skip a beat, but I remained silent when he kept on talking.

"Turn around." I slowly looked up and turned my head around my back. I was surprised to see him, and he was wearing a thick grey jacket. My eyes were just stuck to him, and I couldn't help but to look at him this close. He smirked a little, and messed my hair up.

"Happy to see me?" He asked. I raised one of my eyebrows at him, and I gently pushed him away from me. He chuckled a little, holding his stomach while laughing.

"Aigoo, look at you being flustered all of a sudden when I showed up infront of you." He said while pin-pointing at me, smiling. I just smiled back at him, and I pinched his sides.

"Stop that!" I told him, and I heard Mina and the others laughing over at us. Yoongi just kept on laughing, and I was surprised when he held my hand all of a sudden.

"Can you stop pinching me?" He begged. "It hurts, ya know." I just remaine silent, and he kneeled down infront of me. I looked away avoiding his stares, and he rubbed my head gently.

"Hello, beautiful." He said. "It's good to see you again!" I just tried to stop myself from smiling or giggling, because if I do-- he'll tease me again. I noticed his face moving closer to mine and I was moving away, but I guess he noticed me. He gently held my head, and he planted a light kiss above my forehead.

I heard Tzuyu and Mina's squeal around the corner, but I didn't mind them. They're enjoying this too much, and I'm embarrassed.

He slowly moved away from me, and he tapped my right cheek. I could feel my whole cheeks heating up, but I just gave him a smile. I heard Jimin fake coughing at the back, and we looked at him.

"This is too sweet." He said. "How about if we go around the school? I'm gonna lead the tour." We all agreed to him, and Yoongi held my hand and he pulled me up from the chair. He pulled me closer to him, and I just sticked around with Yoongi.

"Don't go anywhere alright? Stay here by my side."


A/N: Meh, this is too short, mianhae! HAHAHAHAHA. I'm gonna do my best next time. ❤

mei ♡

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