Chapter 10

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When I was done telling him about my entire day, I realized that I had not only told him about my entire day, but also about every other day that seemed like an endless struggle.

I had ranted on not only about how mom and I never seemed to be on the same page but also about how Megan's birth had changed my life. How giving her away had worsened my grades. How being around Samuel wasn't easy and how knowing that my dad was never coming back was beyond hurtful, a wound that would never heal.

And that is exactly why I'm here, I think! I said breathlessly.

For the next few moments, Dr. Cross said nothing. There was pin drop silence in the office.

All he did was scribble away like crazy on his notepad, scratching his chin every once in a while.

Here and there, he would ask me a question to rectify if he had followed my story right and would scribble away again.

After a while, which actually seemed like ages, he placed his pad on the table and looked up at me.

He took in a deep breath.

Wow. Melissa, you sure have gone through a lot in life and I'm glad you let it all out of your system. He took a momentary pause before continuing.

Now, let me assure you that your problems are nothing that can't be solved. We can definitely work them out. But I also want you to know that they aren't significant either. I need you to realize that you're problems were big for you and you are a very brave soul to have been able to live through them. I need you to be proud of yourself because you had the courage to come and ask for help. Some smile and relax.

Dr. Cross's words worked like magic. I could feel myself relax already. I felt my shoulders slumped down a little and my heartbeat got steady.

Even though I had told him everything, I still hadn't mentioned the fact that I had once tried to take my own life. But I decided that would be a secret I would probably keep to myself.

I felt at ease, having spoken to him about everything. It was my first appointment but the burden felt lighter already.

Melissa, do you have any ideas about how you want to deal with your problems? Any specific area you chose to work on first?

I thought for a moment before I made up my mind.

I need my mom to be there for me. She's never there! She has time for that stupid Mark but she has no time for me! I mean, if you can't take care of kids, you shouldn't have them either, right?

Brian let out a small laugh. Then shook his head.

Oh Melissa, you are too little to understand this, but I will try. Have you ever had that project in school, when you were younger, where you had to look after an egg as your own baby and make sure it didn't crack?

I nodded.

Well, did yours crack? Or could you keep it safe?

I tried my best but it wasn't really that easy. It was too fragile! If I didn't work to keep it uncracked, there was a chance it could drop and break. I needed to make sure I did my best to prevent it from cracking. Phew! It was an exhaustive job for a little kid back then!

Dr. Cross laughed. So you do know how tough it is to look after a child!

See, this is what I'm trying to tell you. You are your mother's project egg. Only difference, she really loves you and she has to look after you till you can hatch your own wings and fly away. She's working endlessly, day and night so that you have money to go to college. So that you don't break and become a mess just because you missed out on education in this excessively competitive world.

I agree, that like most parents, she probably isn't around much, because she is a doctor. But are you making your efforts to make most of the time that you have with her? There are people out there who don't have both their parents. They must be craving and willing to give anything for a mum like yours.

I'm sorry to bring this up but you gave away a daughter recently. You did what was right for you but I'm pretty it must have taken immense will power to see your baby snatched away from you. Have you ever thought, that your mother probably feels the same?

Sure, nobody's taking you away. But can you imagine how much more painful it must be for her to see her child right there, in front of her, but still so far away?

From what you tell me, it seems like she's making her efforts. I need you to make yours. Do we have a deal? He smiled, put his hand out for a handshake.

After hearing all he said, I was in tears. It felt like my 'dad' was saying all of this to me. I sure knew how hurtful it was to have Megan taken away from me. And that was after just spending 9 months with her in my womb. I could only now imagine the atrocities I laid upon my mother. She had been with me all my life! What was I doing?

She always tried to break my walls and understand my sufferings. But I never let her in. Only thought that she was doing her 'job'. The image of her sad face came in front of my eyes and for the first time, I felt like I wanted to run over to her and hug her tight, never to let go.

I never understood that she was doing all those extra shifts to pay for my school and my future studies.

She was doing all of this so that her project egg would get the 1st rank. So that it could be the best. I, could be the best.

I shook Brian's hand. He handed me a box of tissues to wipe off my tears.

I think we have worked a lot for today. You are off to a good start, Melissa. You are taking things well. We will have you better in no time. Don't worry. He assured me.

Just do one thing, when you get back home today, hug your mother and say thank you. Talk to her for just 5 minutes every day. Not asking for much. Just 5 minutes. You will be surprised at the changes it brings about.

I looked at him, blowing my nose off on the tissue.

He walked up to the door and opened it for me.

I slowly walked out, sniffling.

That will be $100. Zoey said as she saw me come out. I gasped. I had totally forgotten to bring any fee money!

Oh Melissa, don't worry about it! You don't need to pay. Dr. Cross smiled.

I looked at him, perplexed.

See, you are the age of my daughter.
By the way, I know you faked your age on the form! He whispered and winked.

But! I'm highly obliged to help. Don't worry about the fee. We can take a look at that at the end of all your sessions when you are happy with your results. For now, just take an appointment for about a month from now. I'll see you then?

He patted me on my shoulder as he walked out of the office. That's when I saw the working hours written outside his office door and realized that he had given up his entire lunch time to fit my appointment in.

I took an appointment from Zoey, who reluctantly gave it to me and I walked out, feeling alive for the first time in forever....

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