Chapter 12

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A week went by since the appointment and things were looking great. My relationship with my mother had more than improved.

She resigned from her evening and night shifts so she could spend more time with me. She would go to the hospital in the mornings and be back by evening.

At first, I was skeptical about this decision. But slowly, I started getting used to it. I started liking having someone around when I got home from school.

We would cook meals together, watch tv together and I would gossip with her about school.

We had become more like friends than a mother daughter duo. I was liking where all this was headed.

Don't worry about your college fund, I will figure it out. But right now, I just want to be there for you more. She would say.

Not everything was always rosy though. There were times when I would go back to my old self. But luckily, Dr. Cross had prescribed a medication which I would take. It made things easier.

A week later, I was at the laundromat getting my clothes washed. That's when I checked my jean pocket to check for coins or other stuff before I put it in the washing machine.

I found a paper crumpled inside. When I opened it, I saw Nathan's number scribbled on it.

I had totally forgotten about the coffee thing!

When I got home, I sat on my bed, holding my phone in one hand and the piece of paper in the other. I didn't know if I should call or not. I mean, it had been a week! What would he think?

He must've thought I'm not interested and that's why, didn't call.

After thinking about for a long duration of time, I finally had the guts to text him.

Hey! It's me, Melissa. About that coffee....

I eagerly waited for a reply. My phone buzzed almost the next second. My palms were sweating.

Hiii! I thought you'd never text! I'm glad you did. Sure, let's do the coffee thing. Where do you want to go?

How about, Martin's? It's close to my place. I'll send you the directions.

Oh I know about Martin's. It's famous for it's chocolate mocha. See you there In half hour?

Deal :-)

I heaved a sigh of relief. I was starting to have butterflies in my stomach. I got dressed, wearing a crop top and jeans. I left my hair open.

I hadn't dressed up to impress in a long time. I felt good and nervous at the same time.

As I walked down the stairs, my mother whistled from the kitchen.

Where to? Going out with that 'friend' of yours again?

Ma! Please! I blushed. Besides, it's not that friend. It's somebody else.

Ooo! Well his eyes sure have a feast coming up! My mother said as she looked at me head to toe. I blushed a little more.

Have fun baby. She kissed me goodbye.

When I reached Martin's, I saw Nathan coming up from the opposite direction.

Right on time! He smirked.

I felt weak in the knees.

We walked in together and got a table at the far end.

A waitress soon walked up to us.

What can I get you? She smiled.

Martin's special, please. We said in unison.

Locked Inside (Completed) #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now