Chapter 11

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It was almost 2 in the afternoon by the time I got home.

I got off the bus, exhausted, and walked back home.

As I closed the door behind me, I heard muffled voices coming from the living room.

I slowly walked towards the living room, the intensity of the voices only increasing.

I heard my mother crying and talking on the phone with someone while Mark consoled her.

When Mark saw me standing at the entrance of the room, looking clearly shocked and confused, he tapped my mother's shoulder vigorously.

Beth! She's here! He said loudly, running in my direction and hugging me.

I pushed him away. When my mother saw me, she came and hugged me tightly. Her mascara had been running down her cheeks from all the crying and she looked like a mess.

I hugged her back, still not able to realize what was going on.

Then, she let go of me and held me tightly by the shoulders.

Do you mind telling me where you have been all day, young lady? I was worried sick! She shouted.

I was at school...I started to explain.

Oh don't lie to me! I got a call from your teacher this morning saying that you hadn't attended a single class. You're classmates knew nothing of your whereabouts. Care to explain?

She let go of me and sat on the couch. Mark followed her, handing her a box of tissues and letting her rest her head on his shoulder as she wiped her tears.

She sniffled, waiting for me to speak. Mark looked at me with a worried look on his face.

I'm pretty sure he must've had a hard time handling my bawling mother. It is very difficult to calm her down.

I...umm..actually I went to a friend's house to finish a project.

During school hours??!!! Do you think I'm stupid, Melissa?

No! Really! It was due today after lunch and we were falling behind on it so we cut school to put in some final touches.

She looked at me as though she wanted to slap me. I was sweating profusely.

Give me your friend's mother's number. I want to confirm this story of yours. She got up off the couch, advancing towards me and motioning for me to give her the number.

I started panicking. I had to think fast. Under no circumstances was I going to tell my mother where I had been. I didn't want anybody to know...except, that one person who already knew!

I had an idea.

Mark! I shouted.

Mark seemed to get startled when I called out his name and my mother looked in his direction.

What about Mark? She questioned.

Mark knew I was going to my friend's house! I told him the other day. Remember Mark? That paper you found with my friend's number and address on it? The one you gave me that day when it fell out of my backpack? I desperately tried to remind him of the day when he found the note with Dr. Cross' number and had come to give it to me in my room.

Luckily, he seemed to get the queue and agreed.

Ah! Yes. Melissa had in fact told me about this project thing the other day. It totally slipped mind. He laughed nervously.

You knew?! Mark! How could you be so irresponsible! You saw how crazy I got when I thought in had lost her. Do you have any idea how NOT okay this is?!

My mother stormed out of the room and slammed shut the door to her bedroom.

Mark looked at me for a second before going after her.

Bethany! Please open the door! Look. I'm sorry, okay? With all the work at the hospital, I forgot about it. Can you not forgive me? She's here now, isn't she? Beth?

Go away Mark! She's here but what if she wasn't! I can't believe you forgot! She is my baby. I cannot afford to lose someone I love all over again. Please leave. I need to be alone. She said through the shut door.

I felt terrible. Though I didn't personally like Mark, he did make my mother happy. And he had covered up for me today. Had I overdone it this time? Had I cost my mother her relationship over a stupid thing? I felt terrible.

But at the same time, I was pleasantly surprised at how much my mother cared for me. I hadn't seen this kind of care and concern for me from her in a long time.

I looked at Mark as he slowly picked his phone and car keys off the coffee table and started walking toward the door.

Mark, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to...He cut me off.

It's okay, Melissa. Don't worry about it. As long as you really were where I think you were, it's alright. Your mother and I will figure this out. Okay?

I simply nodded.

He smiled and walked out the door.

I felt horrible. The sad, emotional heaviness was starting to come back. None of this was going like I had pictured.

All afternoon, mom stayed inside her room. Not a single noise came from in there. She probably must've fallen asleep.

Crying excessively tires you out. Who knew that better than me? I let her be.

In the evening, I lightly knocked on her door.

Mom? I'm sorry. Can you please talk to me? Please open the door.

After a few minutes, I heard the lock click.

She stepped out, still in the same clothes. Her eyes were swollen from all the crying and her nose was bright red.

I'm sorry I'm gave you a scare ma. I didn't mean to. I shouldn't have lied to you. But you need to understand that I am grown up and there are certain things I want to handle myself. Can you trust me with this? I promise I will never let you down.

I could see my mother's lower lip tremble as she pulled me in for a hug.

I love you a lot, sweety. I know I don't make the time for you like I should but you need to understand that I do all of this for you. There's nothing else in the world that I love more than I love you. Why would you think I don't trust you? I always did and always will. It's just that the thought of not having you in my life is traumatizing. Can you understand that for me?

I could finally see what Dr. Cross had been talking about today. I hugged her tightly.

I love you too, ma. And I'm sorry for behaving rudely with you. I promise to be on my best behavior.

My mother started laughing.

Wow! What's gotten into you? Where's my real daughter? She said, playfully.

I am your real daughter! I played along.

Well, then I need to meet this friend of yours who transformed you completely in one morning! I need to thank her...or him! She winked as she made her way to the kitchen to make dinner.

"You will mom. Some day, you definitely will" I thought as I smiled to myself.

NOTE! Guys, I have written a one page story that goes by the name of 'TAN LINES'. PLEASE DO CHECK IT OUT AND TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK! Thanks :-)

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