Chapter one

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"Amelia." Father calls from the other side of the table

"Father." i said in the same tone not looking up from my book.

He let out a sigh. "I thought i told you not to read at the table.

This time i sighed, shutting and placing the book down on the table. "Im sorry father." I began to eat my food again.

"I have somethings i must attend to today, will you be alright on your own?" he asked as he ate as well.

"Of coarse father, you worry to much." i said with a small smile. "I was thinking of going into town as well."

"Alone? I think not."

"But father Im old enough to-"

"Amelia-" his voice became sturn. "There is evil walking the streets."

"Yes father you've told me." i say leaning back into my chair. "But how am i to know whats evil if i never seen evil."

He looked at me and sighed in annoyance. "Im only trying to protect you." he says.

"Sir." a guard bows as he walked in. "Your carriage is ready."

"Good." my father stood placing his napkin over his food before looking down the table at me. "Ill be back soon dear."

I gave him a sad smile. "Good-bye father."

Once he was gone i let out a loud sigh. I didnt see it fair that i never get to leave the house. Only to go with father to Church on sundays. I tapped my hand on the table before i stood. I walked and grabbed my black cloak, throwing it over my shoulders. Looking around i walked over to the door, but came to a stop when some of the guards talked. Cursing to my self i turned my back to them and walked back into the dinning room. I cracked open one of the large windows peeking my head out. Seeing no one around i climbed out of the window, closing it behind me.

Once thats was done i pulled my hood over my head and started to walk the streets. I fallowed the streets taking in the beautiful buildings that i passed. Everyone walked with a smile and said their hellos as they walked past.

"Bonjor." i say back to them. Then i could hear Music. Wonderful music filled the air around me drawing me to it. Fallowing the sound i found my self infrount of the church. People in bright colors danced to the music that their friends played, laughing. These people must be what father tells me about. The devils that walk our streets. A few of the towns people joined in and some looked at them in disgust. They didn't look evil to me though. They seem to be enjoying what they can do and what they have. Smiling i walked watching the others dance something bumped into my hip.

Looking down i see a little girl gasping up at me. "Im vary sorry miss." she says in her little voice.

I smiled down at her. "Its quiet alright." i bent down and helped her to stand. "Are you hurt?"

"No." she says a little scared. I smiled at her as he eyes dart behind me. "Excuse me miss." she then runs off to a gasebo that had bright colors hanging from it. Other children stood around it seeming really excited. I walked a little closer as a man stood from the inside. The man was hansom, and slim. His black hair came down to his chin, his hat holding some of it back making his ear ring stand out. His attire was bright with purple and blue. His purple mask covered the top half of his face, but his brown eyes stood out.

The man looked down at the children as they started to sit around. He then lifted his gaze at me, letting brown meet Blue. He raised a brow at me, not being able to see who i was under my hood. Something took over me just then. I slowly pulled my hood down letting my short white hair lightly lift into the breeze. The mans eyes didnt move from mine, as he half grinned at me. After another moment he looked back down at the kids and started to sing, along with a small puppet that was dressed just like him. I couldnt help but giggle.

He sang a tale about my father. How he hurt the gypsy's. How he killed a mother, and almost killing the baby shortly after, but after the priest begged for father to stop, he let the boy live. That boy then becoming the bell tower ringer. But father never told me this story. Was this true? Has father really been killing innocent people. My mind started to race as the mans story came to an end. I blinked a few times as the man suddenly wasn't there anymore. I looked around hoping to find the man.
"Hello madam." I spun around to see the man standing behind me with a smirk.

I tried to hide my small smile. He looked even more handsome up close. "Bonjor sir. Your name was Clopin, am i right?" i ask remembering the beginning of his song.

The man bows. "That it is, and what shall i call you?"

My smiled grew. "Amelia."

He took my hand into his and kissed the top of my hand making me slightly blush. "Pleasure is all mine." his eyes looked into mine holding onto my hand a little longer. When he finaly let go my hand felt cold and i could feel a knot in my stomic. So i laced my hands behind my back as i smiled up at Clopin.

"That was a great preference, You sing very well." i say.

"Im glad you enjoyed it." he crossed his arms over his chest."Maybe i could tell you more tales." He smiled down at me making the knot feeling worsen. Then the bells started to ring making my heart jump. It was getting late, father was going to be home soon.

"It was a pleasure to me you Mr. Clopin but i must be off." i pulled my hood back over my head trying to step past him, but he grabbed my wrist pulling me into his chest. My heart started to race as i looked up into his brown eyes. He smirked down at me still holding my wrist.

"Will i see you again?" his voice was low and rasp making my knees week.

"I- I dont. . ." i couldn't form a sentence. I couldn't even look away. The bell rang again. "I must go."

"Will I see you again?" he asked again sounding more firm.

I swallowed placing my hand onto his chest, lightly pushing him back. The cold air hit my front as his heat left me. Seeing that i had to answer i nodded. "Yes. Now please i must go."

He stared at me with his smirk for another moment before bringing my hand up to his lips and kissing the top softly, "Until then Miss Amelia."

I bit my bottom lip trying to hind my smile but failed making him smirk more. Once he let go of my hand i unwillingly turned my back to him and ran back home.

(Later that night)

"Amelia?" a knock came to my door.

"Yes, come in father." I called back to him as i brushed my hair.

I could hear the door open as my father walked in. "How was your day Dear?"

"It was wonderful father." i say not looking at him. Hiding my smile.

"Good. I have some new for you. A surprise."

I placed my brush down at looked at him. "A surprise father?"

He smiled at me. "The Festival of fools is tomorrow, and i have to attend." his voice was bitter before he looked over at me smiling again. "I thought you would like to join me this year."

I gasped. "Really?" He nodded. "Oh father." i stood and hugged him. "Thank you!"

"I think it is about time you see how evil the gypsy's really are for your own eyes." he says patting my back.

I let him go and nodded to him. "Yes, thank you father." as he started to walk away i fiddled with my fingers. "Father?"

"Hmm?" he turns to look at me.

I opened my mouth, but then closed it. "Good-night."

"Good-night dear." he closed my door and i let out a sigh.

I wish i could ask him about the bell ringer. Ask him why he say them as evil when, they just seem happy to be alive. Clopin flash through my mind making me smile and blush.

"Until tomorrow." i let out a small giggle unable to hide my excitement. Tomorrow ill Be able to see more gypsy's. Tomorrow ill see Clopin.

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