Chapter 10

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The next morning i woke up with my face laying on Clopin's bare chest. He was still asleep as i slipped out from under his arm. Once i was fully standing all the sickness from the day before hit me all at once. I had to run out the tent and find somewhere or something. Once i got to a bucket i threw up. When i was done i made sure to clean my mess and headed back to the tent.

"Oh." i says seeing a shirtless Clopin standing with his back to me. "Your awake."

He turned his head to me and smiled. "Morning my dear." He pulled on a fresh shirt as i started to change into a different dress. "Your up early."

"So are you." i teased turning my back to him.

"Where are you off too?" he asked coming up behind me and started to tie the back of my dress.

"I was going to see Quasi and see how his 'date' went last night." i said with a sly smile. Quasi had told us that he liked a new girl that came with the new comers. I just hope it all went well.

"Well dont forget." he spun me around and brought me flat up against his chest. "We have a date later today."

"I haven't forgotten." he gave me a kiss. "Ill cant wait for the festival to begin."

He gave me another kiss before i pulled away. I walked the streets seeing everyone doing last prep for the festival around in front of the cathedral.

"Morning Amelia." I turned to face an upset looking Esmeralda.

"Morning." i say with a look of confusion. "whats the matter?"

"Nothing Feebus is just being an Idiot." Her face softens a little. "Are you ok? You seem to be glowing, and half asleep"

I let out a sigh. "I think i might be sick." she tilted her head at me. "Im just always feeling sick and tiered. I dont know."

She looked at me up and down and surprise came across her face. "I think you are sick." this time i looked surprised. "Morning sickness."

I shock my head at her. "What are you talking about?"

"Amelia, when was your last . . ." she looked at me as realization hit me. When was my last one. Now that im thinking about it i should have had another one by now.

"I-I dont know a few weeks." I started to feel sick again. "Am i . . . Am i really, pregnant?" i said out loud.

"How long have you been feeling sick?"

"Four, maybe five days."

"Did you get really sick?"

"I did when i got up this morning." I started to feel light headed. Esmeralda beamed at me and grabbed my hands.

"Amelia, your with child." I smiled at her. "Your going to have a baby!"

Something inside me exploded with excitement. I felt like i could run for miles as energy started to take over. "I-I have to tell Clopin." i blurted out.

Someone came up just then and asked Esmeralda for her help. "Find me later." she says as she walked away.
I tock a deep breath unable to take a smile off my face. I then see Zephyr walking into the cathedral alone. Maybe he is going up to see Quasi. I ran into the cathedral and up the stairs. When i finally got up to the bell tower i was out of breath.

"Zeph-" i was cut off.

"Shhh! over here!" i hear Zephyr whisper from behind a pillar.

I walked over to him with a confused look. "What are you doing?" i quietly asked.

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