Chapter 2 (Remake)

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I have been up for hours trying to figure out what to ware. My room was a complete mess, with my cloths covering most of my floor and my bed. After trying on diffrent dresses, i finally seatled with a dark green dress. It fitted me well, but it didnt hug my body enough for father to dis-like it. But i was hoping someone else would like it.

"Amelia, you look beautiful dear." father says as i walk out into the dinning room.

"Thank you father." i smile at him. Father was eating when i walked in, he looked at me waiting for me to sit down, but when i didnt he placed his hands into his lap.

"What is it Amelia?" he asked.

I quickly walked up to him. "Father when do we leave for the festival?" He let out a sigh.

"It doesnt start for a few more hours dear." He say's going back to eating. After a nother moment of silence father looked at me again.

"Just this once will you let me go out on my own?" I put my hands together and gave him the saddest eyes i could muster.

"Please father."

He gave me a side glance, and then a small smile came across his face. "Oh alright." i gasped and hugged him.

"Thank you father!" before he could change his mind i started twords the door.

"Amelia." he called out to me. I looked back at him with worry. "Dont go near the gypsys. Do you understand me?" his face was now grim.

Clopin flashed in my head. "Yes father." I then ran out of the house. I ran all the way back to the court yard of the church seeing all the colorful people setting up their own booths and tents. In the middle stood a stage and a place with 2 chairs not to far from one another. Music was playing from all over as i walked around.

As i walked i saw a flash of purple. Snapping my head in the direction, i felt a little disipointed to only see a woman with lovly long black hair dancing and playing a tamberin. A small goat dance around her feet as she did.

Her dancing was memerising drawing in people as they walked by. A few stayed to watch her dance clapping along with her, so i did the same smiling as well. She seemed so happy as she danced. Like she didnt give a care in the world as her body moved. She was a Beautiful woman. Long black curls drapped over her back, and the dress she was waring hugged her body tightly showing all of her curves.

After a moment a whistle noise stopped her from playing. The goat grabbed the hat that was colecting money spilling it in the prosses. Before i could think i ran in picking up the coins and placing them in the hat as the other woman did it as well.

"Let me help you." i say picking up a handful of the coins and putting them in the hat.

"Thank you." she says with a kind smile as she stood up to run. But was stopped as 2 gaurds stood in her way.

"Alright girly where'd you get the money?" he asked as he tried to take it from her.

"For your information I earned it." she bit back at him.

"Gypses dont earn money." the first gaurd says as the second grabbed fer from behind.

"I think she stole it."

"You would know alot about stealing."

"Unhand her." i told them standing and placing my hands on my hips. The guards looked at me and chuckled. "How dare you harm this woman."

"Another one huh? we got 2 trouble makers." he tried to grab the womans money, but she kicked up, hitting him in the jaw. The goat then jumpped in and hit both of the gaurds. I ran up and started to hit on of the them on the back for him to let go. When the man let her go to try and turn to me she grabbed my hand and pulled me as she ran away. "Hold on gypse!" they called out. The woman dragged me threw a few streets before letting me go.

"Thank you for sticking up for me."she pulled out a gray cloke as i shrugged.

"They were in the wrong." i simply said.

"You must go before they see us."she then dropped to the ground, and with the goats help she looked like a begger.

"Whats your name miss?" i asked as i walked backwords.

She moved the cloke to show her smiling face. "Esmerelda."

"Amelia." Hearing foot steps i started to run back out to the church coart yard again.

I looked around watching some of the other performers dancing and playing songs. One group had other town folk dancing with them. I smiled, knowing that not all the people showed hatred was calming. As i got closer my hand was grabbed and i was pulled into the dance. I smiled and laughed as everyone dance in union, enjoying this time.

I was passed to an older man who smiled and danced with me before passing me to a young boy. He didnt really dance like the rest of us but i could help but laugh with him and try to dance like him. When i was passed to the next dancer my heart skipped.

"Mr. Clopin." i couldnt hide my smile.

He smiled back down at me. "Well, well miss Amelia. I didnt think i was to see you so soon." He held out his hand waiting for me to accept it. I could feel a slight blush as i placed my hand into his and we started to dance together. He placed his free hand on my waist as i placed mine on his other shoulder. My heart was racing so hard i couldnt breath.

"Will you be attending the festival of fools my dear?" he asked with a grin.

"Oh yes." i said with my own grin. "I've never been to one before."

"Oh but i would have thought your father would have told you, Miss Amelia Frollo." his grin turned into a smirk as his eyes locked with mine.

My smile dropped. "You-You know?" I could feel some of the color drain from my face.

"Ah yes, and i knew about his adopted daughter." he spun me around before he countinues. "How he doesnt want her to be corupted. So he hide her away."

I didnt know what to say know one has really known who i was unless you where close to my father.

"How did you-"

"I knew it must have been you since i havent seen you before." he cuts me off and pulls me against him locking eyes with me. He flashed a smirk as i started to blush. "And i would have remembered you if i ever did." I failed to hid my smile as his face got close to mine.

I swallowed and tried to control my breathing. "Why would you have remebered me?" i challanged.

He rased his brows at me in surprise as he grinned. I could feel his breath on my face as he pulled me closer to him. But then the music stopped and everyone started to clap. I cleared my through as we both let go of one another and bowed like everyone else did to their partner.

"Well Miss Amelia, how about i show you what your father was hiding from you?" He asked me holding out his arm to me.

"That would be lovely." i say wrapping my arm around his. My face grew hot as we walked close to each other. He showed me all around paris. Taking me to the bakers, the market, and the docks. He told me tales, of fantacy lands, and some old legends. Everything was so new to me, it felt like i was seeing life for the first time.

But i then heared the clanking of some armer. Looking around i found the two gaurds that was trying to attack the gypsy woman. I hid behind Clopin as they started to get closer.

"Whats the matter?" Clopin asked me looking around seeing the gaurds heading our way.

"Those two were chasing me and another woman." I whisper to him.

As the gaurds past Clopin just smiled at them making them scrunch up their facecs. Once they were far enough away i slowly stepped out with a sigh. As we walked i told him about what happened eirlier in the day. He could only smile and laugh.

"Frollo's perfect daughter helping a gypsy woman." he laughed.

"Well they were treating her like she was baneth them. It wasnt right." i say placing my hands behind my back.

When we got back to the court yard everyone started to walk twords the stage as my fathers carage came up to where the 2 chairs sat. I turned to look at Clopin, but he was gone. I looked around, but he was no where to be found. After a moment to let my face cool down i ran to the chairs where my father sat.

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