Chapter 7

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A few years had past since Frollos death. Paris has been at peace since then. The gypsy's now happier, able to walk freely with out worry. I never returned home after that day. I couldnt bare looking at the home i grew up in. The home i thought i could be safe and live with my father, but i didnt have a father anymore. He never was for a long time. I just didnt want to except it.

I now live along side the gypsy's. Everyday was showered in bright and happy moment, from just good morning to the beautiful music and dance. Clopin, the king of the gypsy's, and my love, insisted i stay in his tent. Clopin help me transit into the gypsy's life. I have changed a lot, all for the better. I wasnt as shy as i was. When i lived with Frollo i was indoors most of my life and was scared to really talk to others. I now help Clopin with some of his show's and Esmeralda even helped me to learn dance. I wasnt as good as her, but i think ive gotten pretty good.

Esmeralda had married Feebus. Their wedding was huge all of pairs showed up to watch two of the hero's wedd. She looked beautiful in her long wedding dress, and Feebus wore his captions uniform. Esmeralda asked for me to be her maid of honor, and i would be lying if i said i didnt cry when she asked me. Quasimodo was there as well, as Feebus's best man.

Quasimodo and i have become close as well. We might not be blood, but i counted him as my brother. We were both hurt by a man that once raised us. We both had to get used to being out in the open, around new faces. Quasi had it harder, being told he was a monster all his life made it hard for him to adjust. But with Esmeralda and Feebus's help he became more comfortable around Paris, and Paris has welcomed him with open arms.

Clopin and I couldnt get any closer. I loved him and he loved me. When ever he was away i felt like a part of me is walking away. When we were together we couldnt let go of each other. He told me everyday I held his heart, and he held mine. I dont know what would have happened to me if i never met him, but now i couldnt imagen living life with out him.

Today he was out preforming for the children, and i was on my way to visit Quasi. Walking down the streets you couldnt help but smile at all the happy face's. "Amelia." I turned to see Esmeralda walking twords me. I smiled at her and hugged her when she was close enough.

"How are you feeling today Esmeralda?" i asked her placing a hand onto her belly. Yes, Esmeralda was pregnant, and soon she was ready to give birth. She was glowing.

"Good." she says with a smile as well. "Are you off to see Quasi?" she asked.

I nodded. "I thought i would have Lunch with him. Would you like to join us?"

"Sounds lovely." she nodded walking beside me.

Once we had gotten to the cothedrol and climbed up the stairs, Quasi seemed over excited to see us. "Everything ok there Quasi?" i asked as he grabbed my hand and brought me inside, causing Esmeralda to giggle.

"Oh yes im just happy that you guys came today." he says grinning cleaning off a seat for Esmeralda. I grabbed Esmeralda's hand to help her sit down.

"Well im glad we came to. I thought maybe we could have lunch together. Maybe head to the backers for some-"

"No!" he suddenly says holding up his hands. I raised my brow at him. "I mean, I think it might be better if we eat here. YOu know for Esmeralda." he looked over at her and she smiled at him.

"Thats vary kind of you, thank you." she placed a hand over her stomic. "What should we have then?"

Quasi jumped. "I have something the millers made for me, just wait here." he then ran off deep into the back.

"Am i missing something?" i asked looking at Esmeralda.

She smiled, "I think he just worried about me getting tiered. You know how he can get." I could help but smile taking in a few memories. When she first felt the baby kick, Quasimodo thought the worst and started to freak out. When he returned he had a basket of meet pies.

"They smell great." i told him when he passed me one. We ate and talked for sometime. I loved being able to bond with Quasi, and im glad he counted me as his sibling. We had such a good time i didnt relise that the sun was starting to set.

"We will see you soon Quasi." i say helping Esmeralda down the steps in front of the cathedral.

"Where are you heading to know?" Quasi asked.

"I think i should head home to Feebus." Esmeralda says holding her stomic.

"Yea i think i should head home as well." i say taking a deep breath.

"Oh Amelia i forgot to tell you." Esmeralda says placing a hand on my shoulder. "Clopin asked me for you to meet him at the east bridge at nightfall."

"Oh." i said confused. "Alright i guess i should be going then." i smiled at them both, "Night guys."

"Night." they say in union as they smile back at me.

I walked in the directing of the est bridge feeling the warm breeze lift my short white hair off the back of my neck. Once i got to the bridge my heart fluttered. There stood Clopin. His arms were crossed over his chest, looking down at the water underneath. At the sound of my footsteps he turned his head to me and a smile grew.

"Good evening my love." he says unfolding his arms.

"Hi." i say leaning up to him and placing a kiss to his lips. Before i could pull away he placed a hand on the back of my neck and pulled me closer deepening the kiss. I pulled my hands around his neck leaving no space between us. Once our lips pulled apart he placed his forehead against mine staring into my eyes as i started up to his.

"I missed you to." i whispered up to him making his smile. Then light started to shine from under us. I pulled away from Clopin, and leaned over the bridge. I was like looking up at the night sky, as floating candles started to fill the river. It was beautiful.

"Amelia." Clopin takes my hand, forcing me to look at him.

"Clopin whats going on?"

He smiled at me. "Are you surprised my love?"

"Well, yes but whats all this about?"

Now he held both of my hands. "I want you to know how much you mean to me my dear." He smirked at me as i looked at him confused. My breath caught, as he bent down on one knee. "I love you Amelia. Would you be my queen? Will you marry me?" I cover my mouth with my free hand as he pulled out a beautiful white ring. My heart was pounding so hard and i could feel tears start to form.

"Oh Clopin." i cracked out, before a tear came down my face. "Of coarse." He slipped the ring onto my finger and spun me around when he stood.

I found out later that night that Esmeralda and Quasi along with a few others were in on what happened, and with in a few months Esmeralda had new new son and I was married to Clopin. The king of the gypsy's.

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