Chapter 9

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Clopin lead me threw the streets as we rushed to get to the meeting point. I ran a hand threw my hair before the others came into view. Esmeralda, Feebus and Zephyr all stood together as we walked up.

"Sorry are we to late?" i ask almost out of breath.

"Just on time." Feebus says with a smile. It didnt take long before Clopin strated to play with Zephyr.

"First time to the circus Feebus?" i asked crossing my arms over my stomic.

"Yea didnt really have them when i was growing up." he says.

"Me either." i say smiling up at him. "You know, cause it was a sin."

This made both Esmeralda and Feebus smile. "Well-" Esmeralda started. "Now you get to see its just harmless fun."

"Thats right!" Clopin says throwing Zephyr onto his shoulders. "This is a festival after all." He smirked down at me. "Cant be one with out 'harmless' fun." he then winked at me making me smile even more.

"How do i look?" We all turned our head to see Quasi wearing a red outfit and a hat with a long feather. No one was able to say anything but Clopin smiled at him as he placed Zephyr down on the ground. "To much?"

"No, no" we all started to say.

"Its a new you." Feebus says with a laugh.

"Quasi my boy you are bound to brake some hearts today!" Clopin says patting him on the back.

We all started to walk as some of the people started to call that the show was getting ready to start. Zephyr grabbed Quasi's hand and they both started to run up ahead. I wrapped my free arm around Clopins arm, which held my other hand. Alot of the towns people were here and the children all around were happy to be there. A few of the kids ran up and hugs Clopins leg before running off to see the new show.

I started to feel sick again as we got up to the stage. "Amelia you ok?" Esmeralda asked placing a hand on my shoulder.
"I think im just tiered." i say wiping a little sweat from my brow.

"You look really pale."

This caused Chopin's head to snap down at me. "Is something wrong love?" he places his hand under my chin and pulled my face up to look at him. "Are you not feeling well?"

I smiled at him and leaned up giving him a small kiss. "Im fine."

Before he could re-spawn clowns started to do tricks pulling everyone attention to the stage. When they were done they disappeared into pink smock, and when green smock started to form the man from before came out. Their show was short, but they somehow made an elephant vanish causing the crowed to cheer.

When the show was done Clopin and I looked around. They had bright tents like ours, but they were much smaller and looked a little unstable. Like it could be taken down with in a matter of minutes. Another gypsy couple walked up and started to talk to Clopin and I. After talking for a moment something cause my eye. There in the corner i could see 2 men with their backs to me. They looked like they were having a hard time holding something.

"Ill be right back." i told Clopin. He nodded as he talked to the couple. I slowly walked over to where they were standing in the shadows. "Need a hand?" i asked them.

They spun around placing their hands behind there backs. I crossed my arms over my chest as they just gave me an sly smile. "Why Hello." i jumped a little as the man from before stood behind me, his hands behind his back. I turned around to see that the other two are gone. When i turned to look at the older man he had stepped closer. "Did you enjoy the show?" he asked with a devilish grin.

I felt sick again as i force a smile. "Yes it was quick good." I took a step back, that he fallowed with a step to me.

"The names Tarush, and you are?" he bowed a little to far holding out his hand.

"Amelia." i say shacking his hand but with a jerk he pulled me forward and kiss's the top of my hand.

"The pleasure is all mine my sweet." they was he said it mad me even more sick.

"I must go i think my husband is looking for me." i try to side step him but we was quick to get in my way.

"Whats the rush, why dont i show you around maybe show you my carage?" he tries to step closer to me making me step backwards again but now my back was against one of the poles.

"Amelia." Relief spreed thru me as Blue and purple stepped between me and Tarush. "Who is your friend?" Clopin placed his fist on his hips but had a smile on his face.

"Tarush." The man said giving him the same smile. I grabbed the back of Clopins shirt as i started to become light headed. "And you are?"

"Clopin. Her husband." he held out his hand which Tarush shock. Even i could see they were shacking hands a bit to hard.
"Pleasure." Tarush say's in a tone that was far from it.

"Come my dear." Clopin reach around and wrapped an arm around my waist. "Its getting late. We have a big day tomorrow. Nice to have met you." He led me away from Tarush, and i wrapped my arms around his mid.

"That guy is creepy." i say holding him tighter.

"Did he hurt you my love?" Clopin asked no longer smiling.

I shook my head. "No. Just made me feel sick." now that i think about it i still felt sick, and it felt like it was getting worse by the minute.

"Lets say good-night to the others and call it a night shall we?" he led me to the others where Quasi was passing a sleeping Zephyr to Esmeralda.

"Little man had to much fun it looks like." Clopin whispers with smile.

Esmeralda and Feebus smile as they said their good nights and we all went our separate way's. As we started to walk back home a few of the children came running up to Clopin asking for one last puppet show.

"You go ahead dear, ill just head on home." i told him as he promised the kids a show.

"But whats show with out my beautiful wife?" he smirks at me.

I pulled him close to me and gave his a kiss. "A better one." i joked as i pulled away from him. "I'll see you soon."

He kissed the top of my hand before we went our separate ways. Once i got back to the tent I felt so sick that i felt like i might throw up. I laid down on our bed and closed my eyes. The next thing i knew i was fast asleep.

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