Chapter four

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"Clopin!" i gasped seeing him appear outside my window. I quickly ran up and opened the window pulling him inside. Once his feet were on the ground i threw my arms around his mid. "Im so glad your alright."

He hugged me back. "Were you hurt?"

I pulled back slightly looking up at his smiling face. "No im ok."

He lifted his hand his hand and cup my face. "Amelia, my people have to go into hiding." my excitement dropped.

"Your leaving?"

He gave me a small smile. "Come with me."

My eyes went wide. "What?"

"Come with me. Come with me to the court of miracles." His eyes pleaded with mine for me to agree. And i could see sadness as i gave him a sad smile.

"I need to try and stop my father Clopin." i placed my hand over his. After a moment he smiled down at me. He wrapped his free hand around my waist and pulled me closer to him, and using his other hand to pull my face to his. My heart jumped as his lips connected with mine. His lips were soft and worm as they covered mine. I slowly rose my hands up his chest and around his neck, deepening the kiss. He let go of my face and placed his hands on my hips. After another second we pulled apart for air.

He placed his forehead against mine as he spoke. "Ill come see you when i can."

I nodded not wanting to let go. "Please be safe."

He lent down to kiss me once more. "I want you to take this." he pulls out a charm with a free hand. "If you need to find me use this."

"But how?" i ask removing my arms from his neck, taking the charm.

"When you hold this woven band, you hold the city in your hand." he whispered to me. The sound of foot steps started to come close to my room.

"You must go." i pushed him twords the window.

He climbed up on to the window but bent down and pulled me into another kiss before he starts to climb down. "Ill come back for you."

"I know." i whispered back down to him. I looked back at my door as the foot steps passed, and back out the window to see Clopin left. Taking a deep breath i closed the windows but kept them unlocked. I then turned back to my door and walked up. I tried to pull open the door but it wouldnt budge. I could hear shouting from down stares. Was father planning his next move? Had he found the poor woman? Did he catch Clopin?

I looked around to find anything that would help me open the door. I walked around starting to lose hope when the candle holder came into sight. I ran over grabbing it and running back to the door. I started to using the candle holder against the handle hitting it as hard as i could after a few times the handle finally gave way and broke falling to the ground with a thud. I dropped the holder and swung open my door. Once outside my room i ran down the hall way and down the stairs where i could hear my father yelling. I found him screaming at the fire.

"Choose me or you shall burn!" he calls throwing the scarf into the father. "Ill burn down all of Paris if i must."

"No!" i called out to him surprising him.

"Amelia." he looked at me anger written on his face.

"Father i beg you stop this!" i walked up to him. "Your wrong about the gypsys! There a kind people."

"That man has you under his spell too." he looked down at me like he was something he had stepped in. "Im going to put an end the the gypsy's by any cost."

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