Chapter six

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I woke to the sound of screaming, and voices. "Quase?" i said looking around. "He was chained around a few pillars, looking lifeless. A few gargoyles holding onto the chains as well. He looked over at me then dropping his head down. I slowly stood and tried to walk over to him but my wrist was pulled back. Cold metal rapped around my wrist as a chain kept me just out of reach of Quasimodo. I tried to pull with all my might but i couldn't pull my self free. "Quasimodo please get up!" i begged him.

"Whats the point. . ." he whispered.

I could hear more yelling forcing my attention out of the tower. The chain was just long enough to be able to see down below. There the town pushed to try and stop Frollo only to be stopped by her guards. Esmeralda stood on the stage tied to a mast with hay surrounding her feet.

I looked back at Quase. "Love Quasimodo. Love is was keeps good people in this world." He just gave me a side glace and then looked back at the floor. I looked back down as my eyes started to still. Quase then came to my side to look down as well. "We cant let him kill the only good in our lives." i said to him not looking away from Frollo.

Frollo then placed his torch onto the hey setting it ablaze. "NOO!" quase screamed. I jumped back as he started to pull his chains with all his might, braking away the pillars. Once his chains snapped he grabbed a hold of mine and pulled snapping mine as well. "Hold on!" he demands. He threw me over his shoulder as he threw a rope over around a statue. I let out a yell as we started to free fall.

He landed on the stage with a thud and tossed me down on my feet. Cheers started to ring as he ripped the roped off of Esmeralda. Guards tried to climb up on the stage, and i took my chance. I ran over to them jumping off one of their heads. I landed on the top of Feebus's cage startling the guard down below.

"Amelia the key!" he called up to me. The lone guard looked up at me and raised his spear. I raised a brow at him.
"You sure you should be looking at little old me?" i say placing my hands on my hips. The guard looked at me confused as Feebus's hand comes flying out of the cage, punching the guard in the mouth. I Jumped down and grabbed the keys off the guard, unlocking the lock on his cage. I looked behind me to see that Quasemodo had taken Esmeralda back into the church, and the guards were trying to brake down the doors to get inside.

"Citizen of Paris!" Feebus calls out from the top of the cage, "Frollo has persecuted our people, ransack our city! Now he has declared war against Notra Dome herself! Will we allow it!?" the crowed shouted pulling out or grabbing nearby weapons as they charged at the guards.

"Amelia!" i spun around to the sound of my name running to the other cages. I ran up to the one with the man i love trapped inside.

"Ill get you out!" i told everyone inside. A second later i had open the lock and swung open the door. Everyone started to poor out ready to fight to save the city. When Clopin jumped down he held my hands."My love are you alright?" i asked him, and he smirked.

"Im alright my dear." a woman scream brought our attention back to the fight.

"Clopin go!" i pushed him and with only a moment hesitation he ran to help the Gypsy's. I looked around to see in anyone needed help and caught sight of Feebus fighting alone. I ran to his side grabbing a sword along the way. "Feebus look out!" i called as a man tried to come at him from behind. I ran up just in time to stop the mans swing pushing his sword back i swung at him making him stumble. He tried to run at me but i quickly side stepped him and swung at his feet. As the man started to fall i slammed the swords handle on the mans head Knocking him out.

"Thanks." Feebus calls out still working on more guards. What felt like hours Feebus and I worked on the guards. Then all of a sudden bright yellow liquid started to fall from the sky filling the streets.

"Amelia!" i felt Feebus grab the back of my dress and dragged me back being out of reach on the lava like liquid.

Once we were out of harms why i turned to Feebus. "You have to get inside! Help Quasimodo!"

He nodded and ran off to the back of the church. The city was cheering looking at the church, waiting to see if they had really won the battle. A flash of blue and purple came in my view, making my heart jump and a smile come across my face. When my love reached my i grabbed a handful of his shirt and pulled him into me, locking our lips together. I felt his hands rest on my lower back pulling me flat against him. I felt him lick my bottom lip, asking for entrance. When i allowed him in he let out a soft groan, sending a shiver down my spin. I lifted my hands around his neck gripping the back of his hair. Our toungs felt like they were dancing together, before we pulled apart or air.

"Glad to see your safe to." he smirked at me. I smiled at him not hiding the blush i knew was showing.

"Look up there!" some one shouted drawing out attention. Looking up, as high as we could see Frollo trying to kill Quasimodo as he hung for his life. Frollo raised his sword ready to cut down Quasimodo as Esmeralda came into view to try a pull him back up.
"Quasimodo!" i called out trying to give him strength to hold on. Frollo then lost his footing and tumbled on to the statue he was standing on. I guess it was enough force to make the statue brake and send him hurling twords the ground. I gasped, but didnt see the impact as Clopin pulled my face into his chest, hiding my eyes. Feeling his arms around me felt like i wasnt there. There was no war, no evil. Safety. When i dare looked back to liquid had stopped, and everyone cheered. I looked up at Clopin seeing him smile in the victory down at me. He leaned down and gave me a soft kiss before pulling me twords the entrance to the church, while the sun started to rise. It grew silent, but only for a moment as Feebus and Esmeralda walked out hand in hand.

The crowed cheered for the couple seeing that their war had been truly won. Esmeralda then walked back inside the church walking back out with Quasimodo. I felt a smile come across my face seeing his shy excretion everyone grew silent, not knowing what to do. Until a small girl walked up to get a closer look at the boy. She reached her hand out, seeing that he was harmless, and hugged him softly. The little girl pulled him down the stairs to be with the crowed.
Making me laugh Clopin shouted. "Three cheers for Quasimodo!" The crowed bursting into cheers lifted Quasimodo off the ground as Clopin sang, "Now here is a riddle to guess if you can, Sing the bells of Notre Dame!" He gripped my hip and spun me around. Once he placed me down, i shocked my self as i sang along with him.

"Who is the monster and who is the man

Sing the bells, bells, bells, bells

Bells, bells, bells, bells

Bells of Notre Dame."

I pulled him into another kiss and the streets filled with song and dances. When i pulled away i looked in to his eyes with a worm smile. "I love you Clopin."

"And i love you, Amelia." his voive was soft.

"So what now?" i asked grabbing onto his hand as we walked.

"Now, we make a gypsy out of you." he says pulling me to god know's where.

But i didnt care. I was free to make my choices. I was free to love, not just me but all of Paris can now sleep with ease. I have my happy ending. Nothing can change that now.

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