Chapter 2: Whispered Words

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Chapter 2: Whispered Words

Beetle was enjoying a sausage sandwich with Foxy when Septimus came into the Manuscriptorium. "Hey Sep!" Beetle gave Foxy the rest of his sandwich as Beetle approached Septimus. "Want to have a FizzFroot?" "Yes, that's perfect. I have to talk to you." "Gosh I hope it's nothing too serious. Is anyone in trouble?" Beetle asked a little warily. Septimus shook his head.

As the ExtraOrdinary Apprentice and the Chief Hermetic Scribe walked into the Scribe's chambers Beetle asked "Sep, what's all this about?" "Don't get freaked out it's nothing too serious." "So it is serious?" Beetle said cautiously. Exasperated Sep said "Beetle just pour out some FizzFroot and we will talk."

After explaining his scene with Jenna and drinking some FizzFroot Septimus said "-and that's why i'm here." Mused Beetle said "Wow. That's a lot to take in..." "Beetle I know you've liked Jenna for a while so why don't you just tell her?" "She's the queen now Sep. I can't be liking the queen. That's so... weird." "Beetle!" said Septimus. "Jenna is Jenna with a crown or not it doesn't change who she is. Alright, fine. Let's try another approach. If Jenna was not the Queen, would you approach her?" Beetle thought for a bit then replied "Well... maybe. I mean she is young too" "Arrgg! haven't we went throught this already. Yes or no?" Nervously, Beetle said "yes." then as if to convince himself "Yes I would"

An hour later, Septimus strode out of the Manuscriptorium then headed to the Sick Bay.

A/N: I'm trying to get as accurate as possible with the series, but that is a lot to keep straight, please overlook any conflicts between the series and my fanfic.

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