J-Dog - High School Sweetheart

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Your POV

You stood in front of the door to your classroom. You heard that there was a new boy, and by the way the girls talked about him, he wouldn't be interested in a girl like you. (I'm not saying you're ugly. I'm sure you're a beautiful girl. It's for a sake of the story, y'know?)

You went in and sat down, seeing a guy sitting in the desk next to yours. "Here we go..." You said to yourself. You sat down, getting your books out. "Hey, excuse me, heyyy." You looked over at the boy. "Hi." You said softly. "My name is Jorel. What's yours?" You stared in shock. He was talking to you? Maybe he was different than you thought..

"Y/n." You answered. "Y/n, huh? I like that name." He said, almost flirtatiously. "Thank you." You said, blushing. "Anytime. Hey, uh, also, you wanna hang out after school?" Jorel asked you. You got increasingly nervous, but nodded. You looked up at the board, starting on your work.

Time Skip to After School

You stood outside the school doors, waiting for Jorel. As the stream of kids leaving the school got smaller, you saw him walking out. A group of girls was following him and appeared to be fussing at him. "I already told you fools. I'm not interested, and I'm hanging out with y/n tonight. Deal with it." He said. "Hey, c'mon." He said when he saw you, grabbing your hand and taking to to the park.

"It must be hard, being the most attractive guy at school and having girls drool over you like dogs over a steak." You said, looking over at Jorel. "Yeah, actually... But, I don't want that, y'know?" He said, looking at you, his eyes begging to to understand. "I know... You're one of those guys to looks like a bad boy, but you don't act like it." You said. "Basically." He said. "Y'know, y/n, I like you. You're different than every other girl at your school." He said. "I know... Normally I don't think guys would be interested, so I back off and don't bother them..." You said truthfully. "I don't know why. You're very beautiful." Jorel said. You looked at him, blushing.

You then felt something on your hand, seeing he had placed his on yours. "Jorel?" You asked. "Yes?" He said. "Do you think we can be friends?" You asked. He nodded. "I'd like that." He said.

You then looked down at your phone. "Shoot, I'm late! I gotta go!" You said. You said goodbye to Jorel and jumped up. You left, leaving him there. Just before he could leave, you ran back and placed a kiss on his lips. "Bye, Jorel." You said. "Bye, y/n." He said, blush on his cheeks.

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