Danny x Chubby! Male Reader - More of You to Love

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Before I start this, I'm not tryna call anyone out. U all are beautiful in my eyes, and just like real snowflakes, you are all unique. This is just for the sake of a sweet story.

Love ya

*WARNING* Self harm


You stood in the mirror, looking at yourself. You'd gained about 4 pounds since the last time you checked. You we're disgusted. How did you let this happen? Why?

You flopped onto your bed, tears streaming your face. You began breaking down, crying hysterically and clutching your pillow to yourself like it was gonna save you. Your scruffy h/c hair fell in your face.

When you had calmed down, you realized Dylan had been calling you down for dinner. You put you pillow down and cleaned your face up and went downstairs. "Hi guys." You greeted the band as if nothing had just happened. Everyone said "wassup" and "hey". You blushed when you saw Danny. You had a huge crush on him, but you were a guy, so you didn't have any faith it would work out.

You sat down at the table, pulling you phone out and skimming through you various messages, emails, notifications for many apps, stuff like that. Little did you know that Danny was looking over your shoulder.

He was doing that because he liked you too.

After dinner

"Hey, y/n, wanna go hang out for a while?" Danny asked. You looked up and your heart skipped a beat and then stopped. You kept your cool, running a hand through your hair.

God, I love when he does that...

Danny thought as he watched you. You stood up and nodded. "Yeah." You followed him out to his car, and the two of you got in. "So what do you want to do?" He asked as he pulled away from the house. You, Danny, I wanna do you.

You thought to yourself.

You bit your lip at the thought.

"There's a new bar open. Go for drinks?" You said. Danny smiled. "Yeah, sure. That sounds awesome." He took a left and headed for the bar.

When you two got there, you got out and went in. There were woman lap dancing and whatnot on men's laps, people drunkenly slurring and swaying around. You two took a seat at the bar, and the female waitress came up. "Evenin', boys. What'll it be?" She asked as she walked up. You ordered a whiskey on the rocks, Danny looking at you with a surprised look. "What? Where I come from this is as harmless as milk." You said as you downed the shot.

Danny shook his head to clear his thoughts, then ordered three of what you just had. Two for him and one for you. You downed your second one and he downed both. He coughed and made a face. "You good?" You asked. Danny nodded.

After a night of drinking, you and Danny were both drunk out of your minds and tired. Johnny came to get you after a very drunken call.

You and Danny stumbled in the house, leaning on each other for support. You flopped onto the couch, feeling something wet and warm on your neck. You put the pieces together and realized that Danny was licking your neck.

You were too tired to try to do anything, so you leaned over and fell asleep on his lap.

That morning, you woke up with arms wrapped around your waist. When you looked, the arms belonged to Danny.

Huh? Did... Did I.... Did I actually get held by Danny while I slept??

You mentally screamed. His warmth comforted you. You weren't ready to get up, but you had a splitting headache and you were nauseated as God knows what. You pried yourself free and went to the bathroom. At that exact moment, you leaned over and threw up hard.

Apparently, the noise startled Danny awake, so he went to see what it was. He stumbled into the bathroom, seeing you hunched over the toilet clutching your stomach. He knealt down and rubbed your back, running his fingers through your soft, h/c hair to comfort you.

When you had stopped throwing up and wiped your mouth, Danny pulled you into his chest. You sighed, Danny still petting your hair.

"You had a little too much to drink?" He asked. You nodded, gripping his shirt.

A little while later

Danny had gone to get drinks from the store, and you sat in your room. The mirror on the wall taunted you. Showing you to yourself. You got angry, punching the mirror and making the glass shatter. It cut your knuckles, and you screamed out. Seeing the bloody glass gave you an idea.

Yo picked up a shard and held it to your wrist, cutting a bloody heart into the flesh. It bled slightly, and you we're dazed. You cut another line into your arm, then dropped the very bloody glass piece. "Y/N!" Danny ran in the room and dropped to your side. You looked at him, then the bloody glass, then your wrist.

Then you lost it. You began crying hard, Danny pulling you close and gripping your wrist with his goodie sleeve tightly to stop the bleeding. You cried some because of the pain, but mainly because of what you'd just done.

After your arm stopped bleeding, Danny took you to the bathroom and made you sit on the counter. He cleaned up and bandaged your wound, then pulled you to him. "Why did you do this?" He asked. "I-I really like y-you, and I didn't th-think you'd like someone like m-me. I'm fat and-" "of course I love you. Don't say things like that." Danny said.

"But I'm still fat!" You cried.

"That only means there's more of you to love..." Danny petted your head, and you nuzzles his chest. You smiled at his kind words, drifting off to the sound of his gentle and steady heart beat.

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