Da Kurlzz x Reader - Our little Angel

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Matt was laying in bed, half asleep and half awake when he felt something heavy on his stomach. He opened his eyes and looked to see his daughter sitting on his stomach. "Happy birthday daddy!" She cheered. Matt smiled. "Thank you, baby." He said, sitting up and rubbing her head. She smiled. "Where's mommy at?" He asked.

"She went into the kitchen. I'm not supposed to tell you this but she's making you breakfast." Alex whispered in Matt's ear. Matt grinned. "Hmm. Thanks for the information, Al." Matt got out of bed, straightening out his sweat pants. "Let's go surprise mommy." Matt grabbed Alex's hand and they tiptoed to the stairs.

Alex held her finger to her lips. "Shhh." Matt smiled at her. They made it down the steps, and walked behind y/n. At that moment, Matt yelled out and grabbed her by her waist, lifting her up off the ground. "GAHH!!" Y/n yelled out. She started laughing when she realized it was Matt. "So you wanna keep secrets, huh?" Matt teased, ticking y/n in her most sensitive spot.

She erupted into laughter. "STOP! NO!!  NOT THERE!!" She howled. Alex giggled. Matt looked at her. "You get it because you told on your mom!" Alex squealed and started to run, but Matt scooped her up and tickled her little feet. Alex laughed and squealed, Matt smiling widely. He finally gave Alex a break, pulling y/n into his arms. "After we eat, the guys want us to meet them at Johnny's place." Y/n said.

Matt nodded, then got plates out and began fixing breakfast. Alex crawled into Matt's lap, opening her mouth for a bite of his eggs. Matt put his fork into her mouth, and she ate happily. "This is good, mommy." Alex said. "Yeah, mommy~" y/n blushed. "Thanks, you two."

Matt cleaned up after they ate while y/n took Alex out to the car. "Are Ava and Scarlet gonna be there?" Alex asked. "Yes, sweetheart. So will uncle Funny, uncle Charlie, uncle Danny,  uncle Puppy and uncle Johnny." Y/n said. Alex smiled.

Matt got in the car and they left.

When they got to Johnny's, Alex was the first in the door. She was scooped up by Jordan. "Uncle Charlie!" Alex said happily. "Hi, princess. Look what Ava and Scarlet got you." Charlie handed Alex a doll like the ones Ava and Scarlet had. Alex kissed Jordan's cheek, then went to go play with the girls.

Matt walked in the door with y/n. "Girls, uncle Kurly is here!" The girls ran into the room. "Look what we made you!" Ava and Scarlet held up two little flowers made with tissue stuffing paper and pipe cleaners, and each handed him a card. "Aww, these are so pretty. I'll be sure to put them somewhere they'll be safe." Matt said, holding the flowers tightly but gently in his hand.

"Let's go play some more!" The girls each grabbed one of Alex's hands and led her back to the playroom. "Happy birthday homes!" Dylan said as he came and slapped Matt on the back playfully. (I could be a rapper *grabs mic* he slapped Matt on the back *drops mic and runs for life* 😂😂😂)

"Thanks." Matt said. "Come in the kitchen, we have something for you." Jorel said, walking to the kitchen. Matt followed them, seeing something amazing.

It was a white three layer cake, with fondent molded to look like his masks, and a tuft of fluffy black icing hair on the top. Matt smiled and laughed slightly. "This is awesome! Who made it?" Matt asked. "We all chipped in and put pieces here and there." Danny said. "I almost don't wanna cut it. This is so cool." Matt said, dipping his finger into some of the white icing.

"Well, you're gonna. I want some cake!" Jordan said. They cut the cake, and y/n went to get the girls. "Hey, girls, you want some cake?" She asked. The girls all stood up, following her out into the kitchen.

Ava crawled into Johnny's lap, Scarlet into Danny's, and Alex into Matt's. They began eating the cake.

After a whole day of partying, being stupid with the guys, playing with the girls, and praciticng music, Matt was exhausted.

When he got home, he went to the living room and put the little flowers that Ava and Scarlet mwe him on top of the mantle, along with a picture Alex had drawn of their family.

He smiled at the little gifts, then went to Alex's room to tuck her in. Y/n was just finishing a story. "Daddy!" Alex said. Matt went and sat beside y/n. "Hey, baby. Did you have fun with Ava and Scarlet today?" Matt asked. Alex nodded. Matt leaned over and kissed her forehead. "Your mother and I are going to go to bed now. You need to too." Matt said. Alex rubbed her eyes sleepily and nodded. Y/n did the same, then her and Matt went to their room.

Matt had never had a better day.


Creepy_Chris how did I do??????

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