Funny Man x Reader - Mama in Distress

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Y'ALL LIKE MY NEW GLASSES?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!

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Y'ALL LIKE MY NEW GLASSES?!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!??!


Your POV

I'm y/n l/n. I'm 26 and am alone with a daughter, Evelyn. She's only three years old. I can barely make ends meet, and I'm scared for Evelyn's future.

I walked the streets of L.A., looking for a place to get food for Eve and I. I finally found a café and entered. I walked in and ordered two sandwiches and a water. "That'll be $11.43." The cashier said. I pulled my wallet out, but I was $3 short. I panicked. "I-I, I don't have enough." I stammered. Suddenly, a man with curly, short brown hair and a little mustache put $5 on the counter. "I hope this is enough." He said. "Oh, sir, you don't have to-" "yes I do. You need it. Plus, you're cute~ and so is this one." He smiled at my little Eve.

The woman handed me my food and the man his change, which he then handed me. "It ain't much but I want you to have it. I'm Dylan, give me a call if times get tough." He handed me a sheet of paper with a number on it. Before I could say something he vanished.

I sat down and ate, feeding Evelyn little bits of her sandwich at a time. I have to admit, Dylan was pretty good looking...

When me and Eve got home, I took out my phone and dialed the number. My hands shook as I let it ring. "Hello?" A familiar voice answered. "Hi, is this Dylan?" I asked. "Yes. Who is this?" I sighed in relief when his tone came off as curious and not aggravated. "I'm the girl from the café earlier. I didn't get a chance to thank you or give you my name." I said.

"Well, it really wasn't a problem. Your adorable daughter and you needed the help. Now, what're your names?" Dylan asked. "Y/n and Evelyn." I said. "Those are really pretty names." Dylan said. I blushed. "Thank you. Evelyn was my grandma's name." I said.

Dylan and I talked for most of the night, and he asked me to meet him at the park with Eve the next day.

The next day

I sat on a park bench watching Evelyn play, when I heard leaves crunching. I looked to see Dylan walking to me. "Hi." I said. "Hey. It's good to see you again." Dylan said. "You too." I said. "Mommy!" Eve ran to me, but grabbed my leg and hid when she saw Dylan. "Sweetie, this is the nice man that helped us last night. C'mere and say hi." I picked up Evelyn and put her on my lap.

She shyly waved. "Hi sir, I'm Evelyn l/n." Dylan smiled at her. "You don't have to call me sir, chica, you can call me Dylan." I smiled when Evelyn giggled. Dylan put her on his lap and she leaned back. "Is this my new daddy?" She asked. I blushed. "Uh..." "Yes." Dylan said. I looked at him. "I may not know you very well, but I wanna help out. I wanna be Evelyn's dad." Dylan said.

I smiled at him.

Three years later

Dylan and I got married last year, and now we're celebrating Evelyn's 6the birthday with the band.

"Look at my little princess, growing up so fast." Dylan said as he grabbed Evelyn up and kissed her cheek. She giggled. Dylan saved us, and I love him so much.

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