Charlie Scene x Depressed!Reader - Unsteady

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Like the song by X Ambassadors


You sat in your room, knees to your chest as you cried into them. You hated yourself. You hated the way you lived, you hated the way you looked, you hated being depressed. The pills and therapy didn't do any good. Nothing worked.

You heard the bedroom door creak open. "Y/n?" It was your friend Jordan. He went and sat beside you, and you tried to hold yourself together, but you erupted into tears. Jordan pulled you close to himself. "Hey, it's alright, I got you. You're safe." Jordan said as he rubbed your head.

(Y'all better get ready for a face reveal cuz the reads on this story r climbing faster than me onto the stage at an HU concert)

You breathed in deeply several times, finally calming down and looking at you in your eyes. "You ok now?" He asked. "A little..." You said. He pulled you onto his lap and held you.

A few days later

You had been feeling depressed for the longest time. Normally, you'd be feeling happier by now, but you still felt like dying. You were forcing yourself to stop believing that giving up was the answer.

You walked out of your bedroom, heading into the kitchen. You saw Jordan and Matt sitting at the table. "Good morning, y/n." Matt said. You waved, and Jordan looked at you. He stood up and went in front of you. He rested his forehead on yours, grabbing your hands and entwining his fingers in with yours. "I love you so much, y/n..." You never expected him to say that.

You blushed heavily, falling into his arms and hugging him tightly. "I love you too..." You said.

A couple more days pass and you had begun to feel even more depressed. You cried every night, and felt more and more distant from the guys. Even Jordan was a fading memory. You couldn't even breathe at times because it seemed like you didn't deserve to.

You got the hand held pencil sharpener from your desk in your room, using a screwdriver to get the blade out. You grabbed the sharpest one and held it to your wrist.

You then decided it'd be best to write a note for when the guys found your body.

You got a sheet of paper out and began writing.

If you are reading this and have not yet found out why you are reading it, look in my bathroom. I'm sorry for what you're about to see but I had to do this. I just got so depressed I couldn't handle anything. I was unsteady, a bomb that would blow up at the slightest wrong touch. I'm so sorry for the tears, if there are any. And Jordan, I love you, more than anything. I wanted to spend my whole life with you, but it seems I won't. I'm sorry.

                            -Y/n L/n

You folded the note and put it on your bed, then went in the bathroom and shut the door. You cut a long, deep cut down your arm.

You began to feel light headed, then you collapsed. You let the darkness consume you, and you died.

"Hey, y/n, it's time to... Y/n?" Jordan walked into your room. He noticed the note and picked it up. His eyes widened and he dropped it. "Y/N!!" He ran into the bathroom, hardly even opening the door. "Y/N! Y/N WAKE UP! PLEASE SAY YOU'RE NOT DEAD YET! SAY ANYTHING!" Jordan shook your lifeless body. He began to feel tears in his eyes. He cried, pulling your dead body into his chest.

The others ran in, shocked and hurt.

A month later

The funeral was the most difficult thing Jordan ever had to do. He had stood over your body in the casket, and folded his bandana and placed it on your chest. He had taken your golden and f/c necklace off and refused to remove it from his own neck. He wore it all the time.

He was the unsteady one now, and didn't know what to do.

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