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"No, Haruhi! That's just regular tuna! It's by no means fancy!" Tamaki's yelling rang throughout the house. I sat up, groaning.

Can my idiot of a brother not keep quiet in the morning?! It's freaking Sunday, a day to sleep in!

I walked down the stairs, seeing Tamaki at the front door, with his school uniform and pyjama pants on. Weirdo.

"Hold it right there, master Tamaki!" Shima, our 2nd resident chief of staff said. "I can't let you leave the house like that! You're still wearing your pyjama bottoms and house slippers!"

I snorted oh so gracefully, walking down the stairs.

Tamaki stopped, and ran back up the stairs, screaming. I sighed. I love my brother, but he is just... He needs to be a bit more perceptive to his surroundings.

Ew. I sounded like Kyoya. That was scary. Soon, I'll be demanding taxes from everyone.

"He's not the brightest young man." Shana said. I sighed, and gave a little shrug.

Tamaki came back down the stairs, fully dressed, ready for school...

"Ahem, thank you, Shima. And, I'll be going now." Tamaki said, pink from embarrassment.

"I hate to be a bother, master Tamaki, but today is Sunday." Shima said. "You don't have to go to school today."

"Oh really," Tamaki said. "Well, why didn't you make me aware of that fact earlier?"

"As your maid its my duty to help you. However, I eat you to become a fine gentleman. So you must be able to recognize your own mistakes!" Shima began to drag the struggling Tamaki away. "Since you suddenly have some free time on your hands, why don't we work on your manners?"

Tamaki broke away, and demanded a phone. He called Kyoya, and told me we were going somewhere. This can't be good...


I stepped out of the limo, shielding my eyes from the blaring sun. I looked up at the apartment complex we were at. Haruhi lived here. Tamaki came here to bother Haruhi, and the rest if us were dragged along... I was too tired for this.

"Tired?" Kyoya asked me as I let out a big yawn.

"Yup." I said, rubbing my eyes with my palms. "I was up late, and Tamaki woke me up, screaming about tuna."

Kyoya gave me a weird look, and I just shrugged. Kyoya continued to stare at me. I looked at him with my eyebrows raised.

Kyoya shrugged. "It's amusing to see you so short tempered."

"I'm tired. And Tamaki woke me up. I don't like to be woken up. I think I might kill Tamaki at some point today." I deadpanned, shooting glares at my brother. The twins noticed my deadly stares directed towards Tamaki and sweatdropped.

Tamaki yelled at Kyoya for bringing the twins. Kyoya was about to escort the twins away, before Tamaki gave in for letting g them stay. Then he yelled at the twins to behave themselves, and I leaned into Kyoya, closing my eyes.

"You're comfy." I muttered, and felt an arm slip around my shoulder.

Haruhi yelled at everyone for being here. Heeey, she found us...

I'm so tired. I am going to kill Tamaki for waking me up and dragging me here.

"That pink dress is pretty cute!" The twins, Honey, and Tamaki said togeher.

"Shut up!" Haruhi said. I love her. "Get h*** out of here!"

The same four people gasped.

"Haruhi's so mad she actually cursed at us!" Tama said, mortified.

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