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I woke up on a bench.

In a supermarket.

With an angry Kyoya beside me.

What the actual h**l?

I rubbed my eyes, sighing angrily. "What am I doing here? I'm tired."

"We were kidnapped by your idiot brother." Kyoya said, failing to mask his anger. That's probably why I was still in my pyjamas.

I growled, and stood up. "I'm in no mood for this. I didn't sleep well last night." I rubbed the cuts on my face that had ended up being much deeper than I had anticipated.

"Hm. Look who's talking now."

"I had a particularly bad night, okay." It was true. Tom's attack had triggered some dog nightmares. Yeah, I don't really know why, but, yeah.

"Where are we?" I asked, looking around.

"The Izumi Shopping Center." Kyoya answered.

"Hm, I don't think I've been here yet." I sighed. That meant I didn't know how to get out. Kyoya gave me a look that I chose to ignore.

"This place isn't in walking distance from either of our houses." Kyoya informed me. He checked his pockets and sighed. "I don't have any money on me or my phone."

"Me neither."

A young boy ran into Kyoya, falling to the ground. The boy began to apologize, but ran away, scared after seeing Kyoya's tired, angry face.

"Tamaki's a dead man next time I see him." Kyoya growled.

"Leave him to me." I said, rubbing my temples.

"Kyoya-senpai? Tsuneko?" Came Haru's voice. I looked over to see her walking towards us. "I didn't expect to see you two here today, and together."

"It was my brother." I said hissing slightly. My tail waved around angrily.

"How much money do you have on you, Haruhi?" Kyoya inquired suddenly.



The three of us walked over to a fast food place.

"What happened to you?" Haru asked, peering at my war wounds.

"I was attacked." I said, with a little non-chalant shrug. I almost laughed at Haru's horrified expression. "By a cat, I mean. It's not to big of a deal, this cat, Tom, just wouldn't leave me alone. He sucks. I hate him and what him neutered." Kyoya shot me a look that I couldn't quite decipher.

"Kyoya-senpai, are you sure this is where you want to eat?" Haru asked as we walked into the restaurant. "There are much nicer restaurants to chose from upstairs."

"Hey, I'm going to go use the restroom." I cut in quickly. "Please get me some fries." I walked off, leaving the two to their conversation.

I did my business quickly, but I didn't want to leave the restroom. I figured staying with Haru and Kyoya was my best option, but I felt kind of sad and awkward with Kyoya. I sighed, and splashed water on my face.

After a bit of time, I left the bathroom to see Haru and Kyoya eating, and a couple of girls take the open seats at the table where my food was. My food, the only solace during this early and dreary morning.

"Excuse me," I said to the girl next to Haru. "Would you mind moving? I'm with these two, and they happen to have my food. Thanks."

The girl had noticed my irritation and quickly moved. I sat down and ate my fries, trying to ignore Kyoya's gaze that was fixed on me.

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