2: Plan A

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It was the same Friday morning that Youngmin and Donghyun had went out

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It was the same Friday morning that Youngmin and Donghyun had went out. After the awkward commotion that the two boys witnessed, they ran out of the restaurant and past a few buildings.

"Dong..." Youngmin tried to catch his breath. He bent down and had both hands on his knees. There was no need for that run, but at least they got a daily exercise.


Youngmin shot his head up and glared at Donghyun who proudly had his hands on his hips. He smiled down at a panting alpaca and chuckled. "Quite a morning huh Im Youngmin?"

Instead of laughing, Youngmin furrowed his eyebrows. He wasn't feeling it after what just happened. His own best friend just turned his back on him making Youngmin sound like a perv. And don't forget that Donghyun forgot to use his honorifics.

"Excuse me? Say my name again Donghyun?"

"Hahaaaaa...Yougmin hyung." Donghyun backed up. He noticed Youngmin fixing his posture and intimidatingly started to get closer to Donghyun.

"You are so lucky..." Youngmin paused. Donghyun with a surprised expression stopped himself from walking backwards any further and gave a loud "Hm?!"

Youngmin was embarrassed. He didn't know how to say it because he couldn't just give in. Donghyun did at least let Youngmin get physically close to a beautiful girl, BUT the worse part is that she has the wrong thought on him.

"I'm lucky for what?" Donghyun asked. Youngmin sighed and struggled to get the words out his mouth.

"Y...you're lucky because..."


This made Donghyun smile a bit. He sensed it. He knew what was coming.

"Because at least she's adorable you know. And...yeah. You kinda helped. Kinda not."

"HELL YEAH!" Donghyun yelled. He was jumping and expressing so much happiness only to get shushed by Youngmin. He quickly covered Doghyun's mouth and threw his arms around him.

"It's now..." Youngmin checks his phone. "Freaking 4:30 in the morning. You really wanna wake people up at this time?"

With Youngmin's hand still over his mouth, Donghyun just shook his head and continued to get dragged by Youngmin all the way to the dorms.

The door swung open and Youngmin sighed finally letting go of a tired Donghyun.

"There was no need to hold me the entire time hyung."

"Yeah, but I wanted to." Youngmin chuckled. "Also, why are you questioning it? Didn't you want to cling onto me earlier this morning?"

"Well I changed my mind. Go wrap your arms around that Dukjoo girl."

Youngmin thought in his head. He imagined it. She was shorter than him and that's what Youngmin found attractive. The medium length of her hair. The pure and natural face she had. Having that in his arms would be a freaking honor.

"Maybe." He answered. The thought of it never left his mind. He actually loved it.

Donghyun had a huge smile plastered on his face like a proud father and hit Youngmin's butt startling him.

"THAT'S MA MAAAN!" Donghyun said happily.

Youngmin shook his head smiling.

"Dukjoo, right?" Youngmin asked to reassure that that's the girls name.

"Mhm! And she has a cute butt!" Donghyun winked and waved his phone in front of Youngmin's face. It was the dumb lyrics that Donghyun wrote earlier. Youngmin couldn't hold it in and began to laugh along with Donghyun. Though it was embarrassing, it was something the two could possibly look back on.

Youngmin then started to think. "How are we gonna see her again?" He had to think of other ways to make it look like they're not just there at the barbecue restaurant just for her. Him and Donghyun had to be natural. That's when Youngmin finally turned to Donghyun for help.

"Hey, so if...I'm going to try to get at her. How specifically are we gonna do this?" Youngmin asked. Donghyun, who was laid back on the floor on his phone peeked at Youngmin. He put his phone down and began to brush his hand under his chin thinking.

"I don't know actually." But then Donghyun shot up. "Wait!"


"I got it." He grinned. He didn't know whether Youngmin would like it or not, but Donghyun had to help out his hyung some how. "Let's start with Plan A."

"Donghyun that's stup-"

"Do you want to get at this girl?" Donghyun pointed at Youngmin's nose as he walked close enough to be face to face with him. Youngmin tried not to laugh at the seriousness Donghyun had on his face, but you know, it's actually hard because he's too fluffy.

"Yeah?" Youngmin said with a small smile turning back to a straight face.

"Okay, well then we'll start this plan and steal Dukjoo's heart!"

For a few minutes, the two boys argued over what their "Plan A" was and then came to an agreement.


Youngmin sighed and brushed his hand over his face. He really didn't expect any of this to happen and now it's going to.

"Deal...but when?"


Youngmin clenched his eyes close making them wrinkle. He was cringing so hard, but Donghyun on the other hand was proud.

"Alright, let's sleep this entire day or something. We have a big day tomorrow!"

Youngmin checked the time and gave Donghyun a confused expression.

"Uhm, what the hell? We're gonna sleep at 5:00 in the morning until tomorrow?"

"No! But still, go get some rest. Cherish the vacation time we have before it's gone you idiot."

"Excuse me?"

"Sleep tight!"

Donghyun quickly ran to their bed room and flopped down on his bed. Then he felt a sudden heavy weight on him, which was Youngmin.


"But you're the Seonho to my Minhyun!" Youngmin pouted.


I honestly live for a clingy Donghyun to Youngmin. LOL
Anyways, another update!! I'm trying my best to update frequently for both Daehwi and Youngmin's story so hope ya'll can like them!

Anyways, WHOS READY FOR THE PLAN A! LOL alright i'll shut up.

I still suck at writing so please forgive me. I can't even tell if i should consider this story trash or not. I'm having mixed feelings for it.

That's it for today! Good night you lil pineapples💕

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