One - Beginning

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"Why are you always running from me?!" Luke asked as his hold on my wrist tightened.

"Because not every girl will like you because you're Luke Hemmings," I spat with disgust.

He examined my face and his frown softened. Letting go of my wrist, Luke walked away from the only thing that kept him sane.

He has finally accepted the cold hard truth and has learned to let go of the impossible.


Savannah's POV

My alarm went off at 6 in the morning. Its sound made me cringe. Today's the day I open the flower shop and prep for our biggest order of the year. Apparently, 5 Seconds of Summer is playing next Friday in MCG. I was never interested in boy bands, but since they ordered flowers from our shop to decorate the place, I'll deal with it. It's been slow these past few months. I guess people enjoy using their iPhones more than the beautiful nature that surrounds them.

Being a florist, I've grown to love many flowers and plants. God, I love riding my bike early in the morning. I enjoy the leisure strolls I take around the garden before going inside the green house. I am proud to be working at a small flower shop. Yes, it's not much, but the flowers we grow in the green house makes up for it. We are home to many indigenous flowers not a lot of stores carry. My absolute favorite flower was Juliet Rose.

Flashback (6 years ago)

"Savvy, I have to go soon," Robert said in distress. "Please, promise me you'll always wait for me?" As he proposed the impossible, he handed me a small bottle with a beautiful rose inside. It was absolutely beautiful. But I was utterly confused.

"Look at this flower and always remember my promise. This is not goodbye. This is just simply a see you later," he said with his small, shy smile. "I have one too." He took out his small glass bottle containing our little symbol of promise.

Robert was 16 when he left Australia and permanently made a mark on my heart. I just didn't know it back then. I was only 14.

"I'll call you as soon as I land."

Right there and then, I just realized that my safe haven is not mine anymore. I have nowhere to go in times of distress. I started to panic.

"The plane is about to take off. We should head to the gate now, son," Robert's father said sternly.

"Sav?" Robert asked, sensing my alarm.

"Hmm?" I replied with a smile on my face. Even then, I had to play the role of the optimist because I didn't want Robert to cry again.

"Forever and always?" he choked out. There was a hint of worry in his voice. His eyes were bloodshot.

"Robert, you're acting like you'll never see me again. Remember what I told you? Once I turn 18, I can come live with you in America. Don't worry!" I said with a forced excitement. I knew that I can never go to America by myself. I have to take care of my sick father and support my whole family.

"Wait for me," he begged. "I swear I'll come back for you."

There was a mixture of trepidation and hope in his expression, because he had heard stories about distance and how it destroyed people.

He had heard that love did not last when entire oceans separated two individuals, no matter how much promises were kept to try. We both know that eventually we'll lose touch and there's a really huge chance we'll never see each other again.


I shivered. That was weird. I haven't thought about Robert for months. How come he managed to crawl back inside my dark soul and let his innocence seep its way into my veins once again? I felt ashamed. I was still in love with my childhood crush.

I walked to an open field and sat down. I picked up a Juliet Rose a picked out its petals one by one. I smiled, reminiscing the times where I used this flower to find out whether or not Robert liked me too or not.

Love is probably the most overrated term in the history of mankind. We use "love" to get the things we desire. I felt bad for people who actually believes love exists. Marriage never works out, couples aren't loyal, and there is no trust. Just look at it from my point of view. My mother left both my father and I when we needed her the most.

The only person I'll ever love is my father.

A trip down memory lane is never a great way to start off my day. So I stood back up and walked inside the green house, making flower arrangements this stupid boy band wanted next week.

Luke's POV

"Where the fuck is my coffee?!" Luke asked with anger.

The short, timid, blonde maid answered, "I'm sorry, Mr. Hemmings, I didn't know you wanted coffee with your pancakes. Yesterday, you t-"

"Just get me my fucking coffee before I lose it. You don't want me firing you on your first day working at my mansion, do you?!" I was a relentless tyrant to my maids. Someone had to show them who's boss around here.

"I'm sorry, sir. I'll be back within 5 minutes sir," the blonde whispered with fear.

I walked away from the plate of cold pancakes. The past 6 years changed me. I've been lonely, even though I've had my shares of women. Partying everyday doesn't soothe my aching soul. I felt sorrow at night and felt worse every morning I woke up.

The feeling of loneliness is mysterious. Even though I surround myself with Calum, Ashton, and Michael almost everyday, I still felt lonely. The nights I took girls to the back of my limo to satisfy myself, I felt the most loneliest then.

My roller coaster of a life is both thrilling and terrifying. I worry everyday whether or not I'll be able to see her again.

I have to stop torturing myself and live a carefree life. Who cares about commitment? Certainly not me.

And on that note, I call Hailey.

Hailey's POV

My Louboutin heels aren't making my shopping experience delightful right now. Ugh, I am exhausted. After a long day at the mall, all I want to do is sit, relax, and cuddle with Luke.

That reminds me, where is he? He hasn't called in a while. I thought we were past that "fuck buddy" phase last week. After I told him my sob story about my uncle passing away, he could've at least pitied me and start loving me. But you can't always get what you want, especially from Luke.

Why does he have to be so hot? This isn't fair. All of the guys I fuck are all jerks.

My phone vibrated and the screen read "Lukey :)" Oh my god. I can't believe my eyes. Is Luke calling me? My phone kept vibrating. I guess I'll stop playing hard to get and pick it up. I need a good fucking anyway.

"Hey baby!" I said breathlessly. "I was wondering where you were. You haven't tried contacting me ever since I told you i want more.."

"You're making it hard for me to not sound like a jerk right now," Luke answered with an annoyed voice.

"How dare you talk to an heiress like that?!" I snapped back.

"Whatever. My place later? Around 8?" Luke said casually.

"You really are self absorbed, Luke Hemmings," I told him.

"But you love it baby. Au revoir." And once again, he hung up first. That brute.

I rolled my eyes and walked to the parking garage. That valet better not have scratched my Porsche.

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