Five - Masquerade Ball

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Playlist for this chapter:

The Only Reason - 5 Seconds of Summer

XO - John Mayer

Gravity - John Mayer

Thinkin Bout You - Frank Ocean

Stuck On You - New Politics

Explosions - Ellie Goulding

Luke's POV

"Wait, what?" I repeated at least 10 more times. John wanted our band to perform tonight as his opening. Bastard could've told us earlier so we could at least prepared a song for the audience, I thought.

John shrugged and gave me a smile that showed his guilt. "Sorry, kid. I wanted to hear you guys perform. You know my schedule is packed, and I can never find the time to watch you guys live!" Truthfully, I couldn't blame him because I know how busy he is. He's touring non-stop and is making a new album right now. His new songs he's releasing next week is pretty damn brilliant, but it took a while to get the lyrics right. Knowing that he didn't do this just to spite our band, I agreed and prepared to perform tonight.

Savannah's POV

It was freezing cold outside but it didn't matter. In a few minutes, the gates to the venue will open and we can finally start our night!

"Here, wear my jacket. Your face is like the color of strawberry right now," Henry said with a small chuckle. I laughed and happily took his jacket. It was mid December and it's probably 30 degrees outside. Hey, at least we're in front of the line. The line of John Mayer fans is ridiculous. It stretched out for at least a mile and I'm thankful Henry was smart to make his friend wait in line for us while we were working. As the guards open the gates, the atmosphere was filled with excitement and glee. Walking in to the venue, it was a dream concert. Neon lights filled the room and balloons are everywhere. Everyone attending the concert gets a free John Mayer t-shirt and three glowsticks. The lights were dim, and I can hardly tell there were people next to us.

"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my very close friends, 5 Seconds of Summer!"

Henry and I looked at each other quizzically and brung our attention to the stage. And there they were. Four boys on stage with the spotlights on them. They looked like angels. But one guy caught my full attention. I can't seem to think of his name! Was it Logan? Leo?

"HELLO SYDNEY! WE WILL BE PERFORMING OUR NEW SONG, THE ONLY REASON! ENJOY!" one of the band members say. He had black hair and is wearing black skinny jeans, that looked like it's suffocating his legs! But he's really cute. I smirked. No wonder why girls go head over heels for these guys. They were the definition of perfection. Tattoos and all. The sound of guitar and beautiful melody filled the room.

Don't talk, let me think it over

How we gonna fix this?

How we gonna undo all the pain?

Tell me, is it even worth it?

Looking for a straight line

Taking back the time we can't replace

I recognized the guy singing this. He was the guy that I had eye contact with at the hotel!

All the crossed wires,

Just making us tired

Is it too late to bring us back to life?

The lead singer... he looks so familiar.. why?

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