Four - To Meet or Not To Meet

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Playlist for this chapter:

Boom Clap - Charli XCX

Another Love - Tom Odell

Alone Again - Betty Who

Red Lighter - SoMo


Calum's POV

As I was sipping my dark roast coffee, I saw a girl carrying, I assumed, bags loaded with groceries, and she's walking towards a nearby trashed bar that looked like it has been there since the Civil War. Huh, she doesn't look like the type to drink, certainly at a pub like that, with its rusty roof and broken windows. She looked much more elegant. Confirming my hypothesis, she walked past the bar and went down the stairs next to the right entrance of the bar. I wonder what's down there? I kept looking, hoping she'll come back in one piece. After a few minutes, she came back up empty handed.

I observed her beautiful brown eyes that can brighten even the most miserable person. While she was walking, a drunk man that came out of that shitty excuse of a bar, tried to seduce her, but she kicked his shins and went along her way like nothing's happened. Feisty and gorgeous. I already like this girl.

Luke's POV

"Ello, what can I get you today, cutie?" the barista asked me with a friendly smile.

"Can I get a Caramel Macchiato, extra caramel with soy," I said. I'm a firm believer that coffee and alcohol is part of the food pyramid.

"Caramel Macchiato for Mr. Hemmings," a different barista called out. I walked over to the barista and took my coffee and sat down with Calum, who seems to be preoccupied with something.

"Hey Cal, what's up?" I questioned him. We've been friends since diaper days, so I know when he's worried about something and right now he's trying very hard to conceal his worry.

"I don't know man, I have like a premonition. Like there's something major that's coming our way. I don't know what it is yet, but I'm concerned... I mean, it's probably nothing.." Calum explained.

I patted his back and ruffled his hair. "Hey!! Not the hair!!" Calum complained.

"Cal, you gotta chill. We're in Australia! Our home country! Nothing can go wrong, and I bet we'll get out of this country back in one piece and nothing will change," I articulated.

"Yeah, I guess you're right.." Calum said with lack of trust, his mind still wandering.

"Let's go!! Our tour bus is leaving soon!" Michael called out. We both stood up and walked to exit the cafe. Our tour bus was pretty big. It was our second home. We spend at least 7 months in this thing, going from city to city. I snuck in some booze so the guys can loosen up a bit before travelling some more.

"Mates, look what I got!" I proudly said. Ashton and Michael are cheering and have already gotten up to take a bottle of Heineken from me.

"Cal, you want some?" I asked him, throwing a bottle to him before he answered. I already knew the answer, he was going to say no. Calum lost his father from alcohol poisoning, and he was scarred for life. Seeing your father laying there, motionless, is life changing. He wouldn't admit that to us, though.

He caught the bottle and went to the fridge to put it inside. "Maybe later," he mumbled.

Four hours later, we were all wasted. Not including Calum, of course. But I was too tipsy to tell him to get the damn beer from the fridge already and loosen the fuck up. I burped loudly, and Michael started rolling on the floor laughing. Ashton was busy calling his ex-girlfriend, telling her to stop stalking him on twitter and to stop making rumors about them getting back together.

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