Three - Loose Ends

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Savannah's POV

I'm biting my lips so hard I can taste a hint of blood. Henry really thought we couldn't deliver that order. Ha! With Emma binding the stems, Christy's good taste in flowers, and Leila manning the register while we were all working on this huge order, nothing can stop us. We all sighed in relief when it was closing time. In Sydney, sunset is at around 5 P.M. So by the time we've all cleaned up and packed up our bags to go home, it was pitch black outside. Henry always offered me a ride, but I don't like troubling anyone, especially him.

I locked the green house and safely hid the key in the bottom drawer of our cash register table. After I double-checked that everything was locked and secure, I went outside. I exhaled all of the stress that I've felt this whole week and inhaled all of the positivity that is out there. It was a full moon and I can clearly see the stars. Our flower shop wasn't in the city and I'm very thankful for that. Bike rides home aren't dangerous in this part of the neighborhood. I can also enjoy the stars as I biked along the trail of Chrysanthemums lining our shop's pathway.

I passed a small restaurant that has bright lights that read "Ling Dynasty" and decided to buy dinner here. I knew Cecilia and dad hasn't eaten today. I bought stir-fried vegetables, sweet and sour chicken, some noodles and soup. I thank the woman and brought the two plastic bags out of the store and hung each of them on my bike handlebars. After about 15 minutes of biking, I finally arrived home. It wasn't much of a house, but it was something. I locked my bike to our gate and went down the stairs. Our home is the basement of a pub. So you could imagine how annoying it gets, hearing footsteps all night long and having drunk men linger outside your door, unknowingly waking both my father and I up from our sleep.

The owner of the pub is a family friend, so we don't have to worry about paying rent. All I had to worry about was paying for my father's medications and treatments. My dad is diagnosed with Chronic lymphocytic leukemia. He was diagnosed when he was 56 and it has been 5 years of my dad going to hospitals and back, costing us a lot of money for public transportation and taxi. He doesn't do much at home. Just eat, sleep, and repeat. Most people would love to do that everyday. But when you actually experience the pain and suffering that comes along with it, you'll be sorry you've ever wished that. 

"Daddy, Cecilia, I'm home!" I announced. Cecilia, my older sister, comes out of her room and looked delighted when I came home with food. 

"Thank god, Sav! I'm starving. We have to give dad food, too. He's so pale, Sav... I.." Cecilia whispered. I understood. My dad only have a few months left until the Leukemia hits him with full power and destroys his white blood cells altogether. My eyes burned with unshed tears, but I have to be strong for Cecilia. Yes, I'm the youngest child, but I'm the foundation of my family. Cecilia can't work because she has to take care of our father. I am the only way of income. I don't see it as a burden, but as a responsibility I am proud to have. 

"Here, I bought a lot of vegetables and chicken. Give that to dad. We don't want him to be malnutritioned," I told Cecilia. She nodded and walked the plate over to our weak father. Seeing him so lifeless and powerless, made me hate my mother more and more each day. Why did she leave us when we needed her the most? Why?

Luke's POV 

"We're going to do that verse again. Luke, you were perfect. Ashton, you were incredible. Calum and Michael, stop playing around and listen up. You guys HAVE to get this one right. It's 12 in the morning, and I want to go home to my wife and sleep," our manager, Mr. Crow, exclaimed. "You boys are performing at MSG, your hometown! You have to work hard and do the best for your country. Now, let's start from the top...."


"Mr. Hemmings, your Bugatti Veyron Super Sport car is outside sir. Very smooth driving," the valet complimented. Yeah, it better be smooth. It was $4 million.

I took the keys from the valet and went inside my car. Huh, strange. My pockets felt light, too light. I checked my left pocket, then my right, then my back pockets. Shit, shit, shit! Holy fucking shit. Where the hell is my Juliet Rose?

I ran out of my car and went up 13 flights of stairs to the recording studio. I feel panic rush through my blood and I'm panting wildly. It has to be here somewhere. Where the fuck is it?! 

"Looking for something?" Mr. Crow asked, holding up my small bottle of Juliet Rose. I sighed in relief and took the bottle away from his hands.

"Luke, one day, you have to tell me why you care so much about that damn bottle. It makes paparazzis think you're smuggling pot to concerts," Mr. Crow joked. 

"Ha, you're really funny, you know that?" I told his ass. No way am I telling him about my past. It's too.. private. I want to keep it to myself for as long as I live. I don't want anyone knowing about.. her. I'm too selfish to even let anyone know she even exists. 

I threw the bottle in the air and caught it with ease, pressing the elevator button down. I really need to buy new Louboutin sneakers. Calum's clumsy self stepped on my shoes when he was fetching some coffee. I hate his clumsiness. I smiled, knowing I can never hate him. He was like a brother to me, no, he is a brother to me. I stepped inside the elevator, receiving a text from Hailey. 

Hey Luke, wanna grab some lunch tomorrow? My place at 3? ;)

Ugh, fucking Hailey. She is so needy whenever I blow her off. I walked back to the parking garage and got inside my car. I threw my phone to the passanger seat and drove off into the night. I have to start packing for Australia. 


After going through check-ins, baggage claims, and the paps, we were all finally inside the limo, heading towards the hotel we're staying at.

"This is so exciting! It's been years since we toured Australia!" Calum said with so much eagerness. "It is too early to be this excited," Michael told Calum, reading my mind. 

"Guys shut up, I'm facetiming my friend so we can schedule a time to meet later," Ashton announced. Ashton is not to be joked with, especially since he has been cranky this whole week. Maybe someone needs a quick shag. 

"Hey mate, let's go to the strip club later. You need to loosen up," I told Ash matter of factly. He rubbed his face and growled with stress. He nodded and we all smiled. We need to loosen up before the big show in 2 days.


"Mr. Hemmings, this will be your suite for the next 3 weeks. I hope it is up to your expectations," the bell boy said as he carried my luggage inside my room. 

"Yep, thanks for everything," I thanked him with a hundred dollar bill as a tip. He smiled like Cheshire and walked out of my suite. I opened the curtains, and the view was spectacular. I can see the Harbour Bridge from here. As I was taking in the view, the boys barged inside my suite and start jumping on my bed.

"Hey, knock it off, children" I joked. They all jumped at me and yelled, "LUKE HEMMINGS IS LOOKING FOR HIS GIRLFRIEND! WHERE OH WHERE COULD SHE BE?!"

I laughed like a little kid at Disney World and tackled all of them to the floor. It's been a while since we were joking around like this and finally laughed without anyone forcing us to do so. We were acting like the old 5 Seconds of Summer. 

"Seriously, Luke, are you gonna try to find her?" Ashton asked.

"Truthfully, I don't know if I want to see her. I'm kinda scared to face her, actually," I said with small laughs that indicated I was anxious to see the long chesnut brown hair I was so familiar with. 6 years have passed and her eyes still haunt my dreams.

"Well, when you finally decide what you want to do, tell us. We want to be there, seeing Luke Hemmings fall hard for a girl," Michael said. I smiled and shook my head. This conversation is much too deep to be brought up this early in the morning.

"Okay, okay, stop meddling in my life and let's go get breakfast. We have a long day ahead of us. Crow wants us to check out the flower arrangements we ordered for our venue," I told the boys. 

With our packed schedules already synced into our iPhones, we head out of the suite and grabbed some breakfast at a nearby cafe across from the hotel. 

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