In a world where the impossible is possible, and the unseen have been seen, there lay a girl who was ever so innocent. Mind not corrupted, blood not spilled by her hands. She was the greatest treasure you could ask for. One bright evening, someone t...
I was thinking about putting a chapter focus at the beginning of the chapters, hope this ends up okay! On with the chapter!
Chapter Thręę: magic and classes!
POV: Scarlet
Decorating this is going prove to be quite difficult alone, so I'll just go to classes first and see if I can make any new friends that'll help me. If not, I'll spend a few days shopping and doing it alone. As I grab my backpack hanging up from the hooks, I go downstairs to the main building, and head to my first class to find out what I specialize in.
"Hello class! My name is Charlotte, but you may address me as Ms. Charlotte for this class. In this class you will learn magic, and will discover the area you specialize in. Any questions?" Our teacher asks. One girl raises her hand. "Yes? Oh one more thing, please state who you are, tour age, and what you like to do." Ms. Charlotte says. "My name is Haley Spearwell, I'm thirteen, and I love designing, and I'm from England. My question is, what are areas?" The girl known as Haley asks.
"Fantastic question! Areas are like elements in some ways, you see which one suits you most. Everyone has a single element, everyone except for very few who have multiple elements. They're called the MEW, or Multiple-Elemental-Wielders. Some may specialize in sacred beast taming, some in potion making. Others, will specialize in writing magic books, bending elements, or all of those combined. Now then, let's continue with introductions! I'll point to everyone once I get to you, you will do the same thing as Haley. Start!" She says as she points to a guy next to me.
"Hey, My name is William Crow, I'm from America, I'm fourteen, and I love building." He says before sitting back down. Ms. Charlotte points to a girl at the front of the class who looks to be from Hawaii, has tan skin, and black hair. "Aloha! My name Leilani Waves, I'm half sacred beast, and I love gardening! I'm also from Hawaii!" She says cheerfully. Spot on guess!
The teacher points to a boy with nice black hair, he has light skin, and nice brown eyes. "I'm Seung-hyun you can call me Sehun, I'm from Korea, I'm 15 years old, and I like singing." The boy explains. I kinda want to hear him sing, he's actually quite cute. The teacher goes through a lot of the class until she gets to me. "Hello, my name is Scarlet Leon James, I'm Korean, I'm 14, and a nickname I have is SJ. I love making music, and cooking." I say before smiling and sitting back down.
"Perfect introductions class! Now that class is over, go on to your next ones! See you tomorrow!" Ms. Charlotte says before sorting papers on her desk. Everyone gets up from their chairs, and makes their way to the next class we have.
"Welcome to class, you can address me as Mr. James, and this class is about taming sacred beasts." He says smiling. "Let's get started with class!" He says as he explains about sacred beasts. Time soon passes and we get to lunch. I make my way to lunch only to be hit by someone.
"I'm sorry about that, you're Scarlet right? I'll watch where I'm going next time." He says softly before helping me up. This boy is going to be the death of me, he looks like a famous Korean pop star, my god. "It's alright, are you heading to lunch?" I ask. "Yeah, I'm quite lost though." He says putting his hand on his neck embarrassingly. "You can head to lunch with me, I'll show you the way." I say smiling. Wonder if he'll go on a da- wait what?
"Ah, sure! That would be a huge help." He says. Omg he has such a cute Korean accent...
As we make our way through the large crowd I see an empty table. "Do you want to sit with me? If it's not too much, but there's not many tables so I figured I could ask." Smooth Scarlet! "Sure, you're a really nice person, by the way." That was meant NOT as a friend zone kinda thing right??
We make our way up to the place to get food, and it's so diverse! I got something called Korean BBQ, and Sehun got the same. (Picture below, I think that's right?? I'm not sure, sorry!!)
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We eat our food with the help of Sehun, who is amazing at eating with chopsticks. Once we finish we head to our rooms. "Catch ya later, Sehun." I say waving. He smiles and waves back. He's so awesome, he opens doors like a true gentleman, and does super nice things like walk me back to my room. I think I'm actually crushing on him, wow.